Chapter 48

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*A small surprise at the end of the chapter. Read Author's Note to know.*

- A m a r a  R u s s o -

An explosion had me flying into the wall, my back arching painfully against the wood. The medical needles that were still stuck in my arm were forcefully ripped out, causing small ribbons of blood to start trickling down my arm.

Santino, obviously much heavier than I was, didn't fly into the wall like me, instead was tripped onto his ass as he lost balance.

Moaning in pain, I slid down the wall, my back screaming in agony. Santino has stood up, and was already up and running towards me, unfazed by what has happened.

"You okay?" he asked, his eyes raking me over, noticing my grimace of pain. "Yeah, never mind. Shouldn't have asked that."

With that, he was picking me up, shoving his phone into my hand as he sprinted out of the hospital room. I should honestly be embarrassed right now, being in only thin white garments as he ran around the halls of the mansion. But, I couldn't bring myself to care at the moment.

"Call Salvatore." Santino ordered, and fumbling with the phone, I tried to press the call button, but was interrupted by the phone asking for a password.

"I need the password." I told him, and Santino quietly cursed before handing over the password. "Why are we running?" I asked suddenly.

"Because if my suspicions are true," Santino replied, "Then the Irish just bombed our house."

Oh no. This is not going to be good.


By the time we arrived to Salvatore's office, everyone was already there with worried expression on their faces as they waited for our arrival.

"Thank God you're here." Salvestro said, the tension relieving in his shoulders when we came into view.

"What happened?" Santino asked the moment we entered.

"The Irish, that's what happened." Sandeo answered as if that was helpful.

"Yes, I know that it is the Irish." Santino said, rolling his eyes as he gently set me down onto the cushions. "But where?"

"Just a few miles South of the house." Salvatore replied, eyes focusing on his screen as both he and Samantha typed furiously in front of their laptops.

Ace was calling someone, facial expression expressing clearly just how angry he was as he rapid fired Italian - and if my suspicions were correct, curse words - at the poor guy at the other end of the call.

"Wait, are they coming straight at us?" Santino questioned, brows furrowing.

"Yes, it seems so." replied Salvatore absentmindedly as he continued typing at his keyboard like his life depended on it.

"But then we have to g-"

"I know, Santino." Salvestro interrupted this time. "Don't worry. We already have men preparing to go straight into battle. You'll be staying here with Amara an-"

"What?" Santino yelled out, "I'm not staying here! I'm fucking go-"

"No." Salvatore stated firmly, with a dead tint to his voice. "This is a war. Not a raid. You will not be in the line of fire. I forbid it. You too, Salvino."

"But what about Sandeo?" his twin protested, eyes shining with frustration.

"Because he's of legal age. He can decide for himself if he wants to go in battle." Salvatore shrugged, shutting off his laptop. "As of yet, you two are still under my custody, and what I say, goes."

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