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- A m a r a R u s s o -

I hate periods. Period. They make my life so much harder than it needs to be.

My entire body is in pain, and my mood swings are uncontrollable, I swear.

"Will you guys shut the fuck up?" I snarled. "Just eat, my God. Why does everything always have to turn into a fight with you guys?"

The three of them blinked at me in synchronized motion, only irritating me further.

"What. Are you just going to stare all day?" I snapped, pulling out my chair and plopping back into it.

How did I even get to standing? Oh well, who cares. Certainly not me.

Before someone could ask any more questions, I had shoved a scoopful of potatoes into my mouth, nearly moaning as the flavour hit my taste buds in the most delectable way possible.

"What?" I growled, and my three stupid, older but the youngest brothers continued to gawk at me. Do they not know to not anger a woman on her period, or were they just not taught?

Oh right, they don't even know that I'm on my period, which makes things ten times much worse.

"Are you okay?" Sandeo asked gingerly.

"I'm fine." I grumbled, stabbing my mashed potato to no use. It wasn't a solid, but more like a mush of food, giving me no satisfaction when I brought my fork down on it.

"What's got you so worked up?" questioned Salvino. "We do this everyday."

"My head hurts." I said in explanation, before turning away. They didn't need to know anything else, not even counting the fact that I don't want to talk to them. I'm afraid if I do, I might just lose it.

I swear, all three of them had extremely uncertain look on their faces as they slowly began eating again.

Salvestro coughed, gaining all of our attention.

"Anyways, what were we talking about again?" he asked all of us, trying his best to relieve the tension to no avail.

"No idea." Santino shrugged as if his comment was useful.

My emotions are all over the place. It's quite annoying, to say the least.

We fell into a tense, extremely awkward silence as everyone stared at their food as if it was the most fascinating thing on earth.

I mean, if someone snapped like that to me, I'd probably do the same.

"I'm going up." I announced, standing up.

Before anyone could say anything I was striding out of the dining room, and when I was not within view anymore, I took off at a fast walk so that I could change my uncomfortable as fuck pad.

Jesus Christ. Why do I have to go through this type of pain again?

- S a l v e s t r o R u s s o -

"Yo, what the hell is wrong with her?" Santino commented when Amara was out of earshot.

"No idea." Sandeo replied, rolling his eyes. "You think I'd know?"

"Then it's a good thing I wasn't asking you." retorted Santino, nose flaring slightly.

"Well if you ask the question out loud, it certainly seems like you are asking someone."

"That someone doesn't have to be you."

"Well you didn't address the person you wanted to answer your question." Sandeo fired back.

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