Chapter 47

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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

The sinking feeling in my stomach became unbearable as my brain finally processed everything they were telling me.

The Irish man somehow manipulated me into going against my family, making it look like they didn't care about me to have me withdraw further into my shell.

Psychological torture.

Although the physical torture was bad, I had to say that this was probably much worse. He had me turn my back on the people I trusted the most.

Sure, I may not still trust them fully because they did lie in the first place, but now that they had given me their reasoning for every action they did, I had to say that if I were in their position, my actions would probably be the same as theirs.

But, saying that they didn't tell me because they thought that I'd get overwhelmed and would shit them out is the weakest and shittiest excuse I've ever heard.

"Wait so..." I trailed off, not really wanting to believe what they were telling me. "You mean that..."

"That Murphy tried to tear our family apart by twisting the truth so that it fit him better?" Santino finished for me, a wry smile on his face. "Then yes, that is exactly what we are saying."

My brain was slow to register his words.


"Yeah." Salvino nodded, backing his twin up. Not unusual.

"So, so... Samantha what. Would've talked if she could?" I clarified, my heart still not fully trusting them.

Samantha nodded in confirmation, giving me a sad smile as details of the torture I endured came to mind.

"Wait so every time you opened your mouth, it was because..."

She nodded again.

My eyes were widening on their own accord as a pang of guilt hit me like a truck. I had accused Samantha of so many things... Oh shit.

"I-I'm so sorry," I stammered, blood rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment.

Samantha waved off my apology though, giving me another smile.

It's fine, she seemed to say.

"It's not fine." retorted Ace, crossing his arms over his chest as he glowered at me.

Yeah, after today, I know I have some serious grovelling to do because some of my words against him weren't warranted. So I mean, I can't blame him for being angry right now, especially when he isn't used to disrespect... And I swore at him like there was no tomorrow. Yeah, I have some serious making up to do with him.

Samantha... I guess we're on neutral ground.

As for the Russo's... They have some serious making up to do with me. Not the other way around. Never.

"So..." Sandeo said, breaking the awkward silence just as Ace stood up from his seat, eyes narrowing on his phone.

"I have to go." he said urgently, and before anyone could say anything, he was already making his way out of the hospital room, Samantha trailing after him as he whispered something to her causing her back to tense in anticipation.

"What do you think happened?" I asked, curiosity lining my voice as I stared at the retreating figure.

"Don't know." Salvino shrugged.

"Anyways, do you still have any more questions, Amara?" Salvatore asked, distracting me from them as I faced them.

"No." I answered, shaking my head. Well at least, I don't think I have any questions left.

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