Chapter 18

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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

I didn't talk to Salvestro about our last therapy session at all, deciding to ignore it completely. Things have gone back to fairly normal, and it was now the second week of school as I sat in my homeroom, listening to my English teacher talk about essays.

We were only two weeks in, and we were already starting to write essays. I officially hate private schools.

"Hey." Elena whispered to me for the first time.

The past week, I have come to notice that Elena is super focused in class, and she never heard me when she was listening to the teacher. So when Elena whispered something to me in a hushed whisper, I became alert.


"Did you know that we have to join an after school club?"

"We did?" I asked in surprise, and she nodded.

"Yeah, I thought I should tell you before she asks later on today. You can get some time to think about it." she said, and I really appreciated how she stopped listening to tell me about this. "I'll write down the options for you and you can choose from it, though I have a fairly good idea of what you will choose." she winked.

Turning back to the teacher, I can see through the corner of my eye that she was writing absentmindedly as half of her brain worked on writing the club options, and the other half worked on processing and storing the information our teacher was sprouting from her mouth. Elena was good at multitasking like that.

Five minutes later, I was staring at the long list Elena had given me.

Club Options for Grade 8:

1. Art Club

2. Basketball Team

3. Volleyball Team

4.  Choir

5. Chess Club

6. Dance

7. Drama Team

8. Soccer Team

9. Math Comp. Team

10. Yearbook Committee

11. Band

12. Debate Team

REMINDER: You have to be try-out for each club to actually enter. If you don't make any, points will be deducted from your final mark.

Looking at the paper, I already knew which club I was going to try-out for, and that was the Art Club. Although I didn't want to join any club, I knew that I had to, from Elena's reminder saying that my final mark will be deducted by a few points if I don't join in any one of them.

I already knew that my final mark will be horrible, so if I don't join one... Well let's just say that Salvestro and Salvatore won't be very happy with me.

When class ended, Elena and I went straight to the change room, already knowing that we wouldn't have enough time to go back to our lockers to put everything away then go back to the change room to change into our gym clothes. 

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