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- A m a r a  R u s s o -

So, we had two people come into our house.

The first one was a deadly looking female.

And no, it wasn't the 'Samantha' deadly, I was talking about. But more of a... 'Grandma', deadly.

With the name Sloane Raryna, the lady looked to be about fifty years-old with the beginning formation of streaks of grey in her short black hair. She was pretty short, only an inch or two taller than my five feet two.

That didn't make her any less scary.

Miss Raryna, or Miss Rina, as she told me to call her, has sharp grey eyes. Really sharp. I swear, they spotted everything that is happening around her, and it was honestly terrifying.

The second one was a kind looking male, the exact opposite of Miss Rina.

This guy was named Robert Wright, and he was a young Caucasian male, only in his late twenties. He had a mop of light brown hair that fell in waves over his hazel eyes. He was also pretty tall, but also seemed to be on the thin side.

I had the woman first, and let me tell you, it was not going the way I expected it to go.

"As I was saying, your grades are not on the- are you even listening?"

Miss Rina looked at me as I snapped my head to her, nodding my head furiously.

"Well?" she snapped. "What was I talking about?"

I racked my brain for some type of answer to give her, and when I came back empty, I sent her a sheepish expression.

She gave me an exasperated glare, huffing out a breath of air. "Fine, I'll just restart what I was saying the past ten minutes."

"Uh, thank you?" I said. It was supposed to be a statement, but it came out like a question instead.

"It's not a problem." she replied tightly, but from the way her lips pulled into a thin line, I could tell that she was very annoyed with me.

Honestly, if I were her student, I was sure that I'd be sent home by now.

"So, as I was saying," she cleared her throat. "We have to increase your English grades before the start of July, which means that we have a little more than two months so do that."

"You want me to learn a whole six months of material in two months?" I repeated incredulously, and she shook her head.

"No, I didn't say that." she countered. "I said that we have to increase your English grades before the start of July, and that we have two months to do that."

My brows knitted together in confusion. "So how is that going to work?"

"You don't worry too much." she dismissed, "This is between your brother, and me. What you need to know, is that we are starting our first lesson today."


"You will be doing a reading comprehension-"

I groaned out loud.

"- and it will be due in one hour." she continued as if I didn't interrupt her. "I know that you would usually get longer to do it, but I want to see how well you are able to manage your time and answer the questions effectively. Especially within your time limit."

She then handed me a paper packet.

Where did she even get that from?

"So... Is this a test?"

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