Chapter 16

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- S a n d e o  R u s s o -


That was the only thing I thought of when Salvestro stopped my stupid mouth. My mouth who just loved to spill secrets. Secrets that Amara shouldn't even know we have but know now thanks to my stupid, running mouth who has a mind of its own.

"Sandeo." Salvatore's voice boomed into the dining hall, and I shivered in fear. 

No, I was not afraid of Salvatore abusing me, but I was afraid of the consequences for my actions... Well, words I guess. Salvatore had a sadistic streak in him, something he tried to hide when he was around us, but couldn't when he was out in the field. 

I may be family, but that didn't mean that I would be exempt from a few consequences for spilling secrets. The consequences just won't be as... Harsh as it should be. If I weren't family, I'm sure I would be dead by now. No doubt about it.

"Yeah?" I answered nervously, but still managed to put a cheeky grin on my face.

"Do you want to talk in my office with me?" Salvatore asked me politely, and I shrugged.

"No, I don't want to." I replied, and when his nostrils flared ever so slightly, I knew I screwed up and dug myself a deeper hole than the one I was already in.. "Right, right. I'll go." I muttered, and Salvatore nodded, satisfied as he stood up from his seat and walked away.

"You better catch up to him." Salvestro murmured to me, and I nodded my head, walking away just as I heard Amara finally raising her voice.

"What do you think they're going to talk about?" Amara asked quietly, and the snickers of Santino and Salvino had me quietly seething. Those two want me to die, and I'm not even joking.

- A m a r a  R u s s o -

"What do you think they're going to talk about?" I asked curiously, and all of them gave knowing glances to each other before Salvestro turned to me.

"Just about his behaviour. Nothing much." Salvestro replied, and I nodded my head.

"Oh ok." I muttered, and while the twins continued to laugh quietly behind their hands, I picked at my mouth, losing my non-existent appetite.

"May I be excused?" I murmured, and even though Salvestro gave me a disapproving look, he nodded, letting me out of my seat as I sprinted out of the kitchen back into my room.

I got into my room, taking out my phone as I downloaded Youtube, an app where I could watch videos for free. 

I spent the next hour on my phone, entertaining myself with videos of pranks where this girl acted drunk in front of her boyfriend right when there were about to catch a flight. It was amusing, to say the least.

A knock on the door had me pausing the next video, and I opened the door to see the face of Salvestro smiling down on me.

"It's time for bed, Amara. You have to wake up at six tomorrow, and it's already nine." Salvestro said gently, and I nodded my head.

"M'kay. I'll just go take a shower and brush my teeth." I said quietly, and Salvestro dipped his head before leaving, closing the door softly behind him as I walked into my bathroom. 

"Oh right! Amara?" Salvestro's voice came into the bathroom, and I peeked my head out of the door to see him at my door again.


"We have a session tomorrow. Don't forget about it!" he told me and skipped away, leaving me with my stomach churning. Damnit. I totally forgot about those.

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