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Much to Sana's relief, it had been a relatively quiet morning. Xiyu was quite happily playing with his toy dragons, leaving her to relax with her book. Midway through the morning, they were interrupted by the doorbell and when Sana answered the door she found Mina and her son, Miro on the doorstep. Miro was only a few months older than Xiyu and the pair were great friends.

"Sup bish," Mina said. "We were shopping and I remembered you'd started your maternity leave this week. So I bought cookies for the boys and more cookies for us. I thought we could have a coffee break."

"That sounds great," Sana said, opening the front door and welcoming the pair into the house. Immediately Miro took off for the front room and she heard Xiyu enthusiastically greeting his friend. "Although it looks as though you've bought more than cookies," She chuckled, gesturing to the multitude of bags her friend was carrying.

"I've been buying birthday presents," Mina answered as she settled her bags down beside the front door. "I just buy a pile of stuff and when birthdays roll around, I fish something out from my bag of goodies."

"I suppose that's one way of doing it," Sana said with a laugh as they entered the front room. "Boys, do you want cookies and milk?"

"Yeah," Xiyu and Miro answered with a cheer.

Mina grabbed the cookies out of the bag and followed Sana as she went into the kitchen. Within five minutes they returned with a mid-morning snack for everyone. While Sana and Mina settled on the couch with their snacks and drinks, the boys grabbed their milk and cookies and wolfed them down. They then settled themselves on the floor to play with Xiyu's dragons.

"So how are you enjoying your maternity leave?" Mina asked Sana after the pair had spent a good half hour catching up.

"I want to go back to work," Sana wailed. "Seriously though, I've been off for three days and I'm already over it."

"Yeah, sitting around doing nothing can get quite boring."

"I would kill for the chance to sit around doing nothing," Sana said as she told Mina about her week so far.

"He really is a devil, isn't he?" Mina chuckled as Sana told her about Xiyu's antics. Mina could be a handful at times, but he didn't quite have Xiyu's knack for creating havoc.

"It's all my own fault," Sana grumbled. "I was asking for trouble marrying Tzuyu and having children with her."

"Those Chou's genes are awfully strong," Mina agreed. "Both in looks and personality. And just think, you'll soon have another one to add to the fun."

Sana placed her hand on her stomach at the mention of her new child. "Let's hope the new baby takes after me."

"I'll drink to that," Mina said, raising her cup to her lips and frowning when she found it empty. "Do you want another?"

"No, but you can feel free to make another one," Sana said.

Mina nodded as she got to her feet. "Boys, do you want another drink?" When there was no answer, she looked around and found no sign of the two boys. "Miro? Xiyu? Where are you?"

"Damn kids, always sneaking off," Sana grumbled as she got to her feet.

After checking the boys weren't hiding behind the couch or anywhere else in the room, Sana and Mina headed into the hallway in search of their sons. They didn't have to go far as they found Xiyu and Miro sitting at the bottom of the stairs with Minjoong. Mina's shopping was littered across the floor and the boys had opened several packages.

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