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While Sana had been talking there was constant laughter around the table. Hansol especially found the whole thing hysterical, especially the parts he'd inadvertently played a part in. Marcos and Tzuyu were thoroughly amused by the tales, although they suspected Sana's hormones were making it seem worse than it was.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Chou was laughing away and thinking how much Xiyu resembled Tzuyu. A few of the situations Sana described brought back memories of what her own daughter had gotten up to in her childhood.

"I love Xiyu," Han announced when he could finally speak. "The kid is a class act."

"I don't know about that, I would say the little devil is a more appropriate description this week," Sana replied.

"You've got to admit, he's hilarious," Han said. "I mean fancy asking for sex for breakfast. Brilliant."

"It just shows he's got good taste," Yi Cheng said with a smirk. "Unfortunately it will be a few years before he's experiencing the joys of sex for breakfast."

"I know someone else who won't be experiencing it for a while," Sana said, looking pointedly at her wife.

"It was an accident," Tzuyu protested. "Han and I were in my office, we had no idea he was listening in on our conversation."

"I've warned you before to be careful what you say," Sana said. "He picks up on everything."

"Yeah, including an off-the-cuff remark about messy boys," Hansol laughed. "I can't believe he tried to wash the puppy."

"I can," Mrs. Chou replied. "When Tzuyu was five she did the same thing with our dog. The only problem was, we had a fully grown dog, not a puppy. The dog took off with Tzuyu hanging onto his back for dear life."

"How big was the dog that it could carry a five-year-old around?" Han asked.

"It was a beast of a thing."

"Plus Tzuyu was small for her age," Mrs. Chou added.

"Yeah, I remember when we started school. Tzuyu was tiny," Hansol said with a laugh.

"I was not tiny," Tzuyu argued. "I was still growing."

"And a very good job you did of it," Sana said, running a soothing hand over her wife's arm.

"Did you happen to get a picture of Xiyu in his drawer?" Mrs. Chou asked. "I bet he looked so adorable."

"He did, but I didn't think to take a picture," Sana replied.

"That's such a shame," Mrs. Chou said with a rueful smile. "I've got a whole album full of pictures of Tzuyu sleeping in strange places. I couldn't help but snap a picture whenever she crashed out somewhere unusual."

"Like where?" Hansol asked, eager to hear stories about his best friend that he could use to taunt her.

"I've got pictures of her in the dog's bed, in the bottom of my wardrobe, under the Christmas tree. The lists were endless. She just used to curl up and sleep anywhere."

"I hope you're going to show us this album, Mrs. Chou," Sana said, laughing Tzuyu groaned and buried her head in her hands.

"Of course I will," Mrs. Chou said. "But first let's have some cake."

"Xiyu," Sana called. "We're having cake."

Immediately Xiyu ran over and jumping up on Mr. Chou's knee he settled down to have cake and juice. As her son stuffed chocolate cake into his mouth, Sana watched him with a tender smile. He may have been a right handful over the past week, but she wouldn't change him for the world. She just hoped baby number two wasn't as mischievous as their big brother. She shuddered to think what would happen if she had another child like Xiyu. Could she cope with two mini Tzuyu's? More importantly, could the world cope with two children exactly like Tzutzu? Either way, in a few months' time they would find out when the newest Chou made their appearance into the world.


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