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As Xiyu ate his breakfast, luckily with no mention of sex, Sana wrote a shopping list. She would do her big at a time Tzuyu was available to look after Xiyu, but today she would just grab the essentials.

"When you've finished, go and grab your shoes" Sana said to her son as he slurped the last few drops of his cereal.

"Why?" Xiyu asked, narrowing his brown eyes to his mother.

"So we can go out" Sana answered "We're going to the store".

"Don't want to".

Sana looked up from her shopping list and shot her son a stern glare. "We are going to the grocery store, Xiyu. Now finish your breakfast so we can go".

Xiyu returned Sana's glare with one of his own before he pick his spoon back up and scoop up another helping of cereal. Sana nodded happily when Xiyu moved towards his mouth, but seconds later her mouth dropped open in shock when her son tipped the spoon over to its contents ran down over his shirt. To an innocent observer it would look at though Xiyu had just accidentally missed his mouth, but Sana knew better. Her son had deliberately thrown his cereal over his shirt to cause trouble.

"Xiyu!" She scolded, snatching his spoon and bowl off him before he cause any more damage.

"Oops" Xiyu said with a shrug to his little shoulders.

"Oops my butt, that was deliberate" Sana muttered as she grabbed a towel and moved to his son's side. Dabbing the t-shirt she quickly realised it was no good, her son would hvae to be changed before they went out.

"Come on mister, up those stairs" Sana said clapping her hands "We have to get you a fresh shirt".

Sana expected resistance from her son, but much to her surprise he happily jumped from his seat and along with Minjoong he went running for the stairs. Sana was able to move quickly enough so that she reached the hallway Xiyu and the puppy took off the stairs.

Entering Xiyu's room,Sana found her son had already stripped off his t-shirt and thrown it to the floor. He was about to do the same with his pants when she stopped him.

"You don't need to take off your pants," She said. "I'll grab you a t-shirt, you get your new sneakers from the wardrobe".

Picking up Xiyu's messy shirt, she quickly popped into the bathroom where the laundry basket was and dropped it in before returning to her son's room and finding him a fresh top. With a clean t-shirt in her hand, she turned to her son and found him sitting on the bed holding one of his new sneakers.

"Where's the other one?"

"Can't find it," Xiyu replied with a shrug.

"If you've hidden it there'll be a trouble," Sana warned. She was just hoping that Minjoong hadn't gotten hold of the shoe and chewed it to pieces.

Wrangling Xiyu into his fresh shirt, Sana set off to find her son's shoe. She checked the wardrobe and found no sign of it, so she then checked under the bed and in the toy chest. After looking for ten minutes, Xiyu ran out of the room giggling, to run back in with the show, throwing it at her. Sana frowned and when she picked up the shoe that had landed on her feet, she found it covered with mud.

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