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Instead of dressing Xiyu in his normal clothes, Sana dressed her son in old clothes that she wasn't bothered about him getting dirty. She was planning on spending the morning in the garden, and she knew the best way of keeping her son out of trouble was to have him help her. He had his own little wheelbarrow filled with his own gardening tools, and she knew he loved to mess about it in the garden.

"After we've had breakfast, we're going to go to the garden," Sana said to Xiyu as she poured him his cereal. After events earlier in the week, she'd decided to pour the cereal herself was the safest option.

"What are we going to do?" Xiyu asked.

"No, we're going to do some gardening," Sana answered. "I'm going to get your tools out so you can help."

"Yeah," Xiyu cried. "I like to dig."

"I know you do," Sana replied. "Just remember to only dig where I tell you."

"I will Nana," Xiyu promised.

After finished breakfast, Sana and Xiyu headed outside. Sana grabbed her own gardening tools from the storage shed at the side of the house as well as getting her son's small blue wheelbarrow. The instant she appeared with the wheelbarrow, Xiyu grabbed it off her and wheeled it off to the side of the garden.

"Over here, Xi," Sana called as she made her way to the patch of the garden she wanted to work on.

"But it's messy over here," Xiyu protested, kicking at a weed.

"I know, but we're starting over here," Sana said. "Come on, and I'll show you what to do."

Once Xiyu had trundled his little wheelbarrow across the lawn, Sana settled him down in front of a patch of garden that needed weeding. She showed Xiyu what to do, and warned him to stay in the little plot she'd sorted for him before turning to her own patch of garden that needed tending to.

"You're doing great, love," Sana said after five minutes as she watched her son throw a weed into his wheelbarrow.

"I am," Xiyu agreed as he continued to do as his mother had shown him.

Chuckling at her son, Sana returned to pruning a rose bush. As she worked she kept a constant eye on Xiyu and was pleased to find he was behaving like an angel. He was doing exactly as she told him, and he hadn't gone wandering off to another part of the garden.

"Mommy, I'm finished," Xiyu announced ten minutes later.

"Okay, let's find you another plot to weed," Sana said as she got to her feet.

Finding a section of the garden a bit further away, Sana emptied her son's wheelbarrow into the garden waste before settling Xiyu back on with his work. Sana then returned to her rose bushes, before she double-checked the part of the garden her son had sorted for her. Finding the patch perfect for planting new seeds, Sana double-checked Xiyu was okay before she headed back to the storage shed to find some seeds.

Returning to the garden, Sana found Xiyu where she'd left him. He was busy weeding his patch of the garden while chattering on to Minjoong, who was content to just lie beside him. Not seeing the need to check more closely on her son she settled down to sow her new seeds. Sowing the seeds took nearly ten minutes as Sana was a perfectionist and wanted her flowers to grow in neat rows. When she was finished, she stood up and brushed some dirt from her old jeans.

"Do you want a drink, Xi?" She asked, feeling the need for some refreshment herself.

"Yes, please," Xiyu answered, not looking up from his weeding.

Happy that her son was content, and for once not causing trouble, Sana headed into the kitchen to grab some cold drinks. When she returned with the drinks she took one over to Xiyu and frowned when she spotted his wheelbarrow. It was full to the brim, but not with weeds. It looked as though Xiyu had spent the last half hour or so pulling out all the flowers she'd planted a few months back. Sure enough, when Sana checked the garden, Xiyu had finished with his patch of weeding and turned his attention to the patch of garden that had contained her newest flowers.

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