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After a breakfast, which included Xiyu spilling lucky charms all over the floor, Sana decided to spend the morning doing something that would keep her son occupied, and hopefully out of trouble. In Sana's experience, the best way to keep Xiyu quiet was to let him draw and color in. Her son loved to be creative, and he could spend hours with his coloring books.

"Can we paint?" Xiyu asked when Sana told him of her idea.

"I was thinking more along the line of pencils and one of your coloring books," Sana replied.

"I want to paint a picture," Xiyu protested. "Please Mommy, it's for you."

Faced with her son giving her a soulful look, Sana found she couldn't say no to Xiyu. Despite her better judgment, she agreed to let Xiyu paint. Covering the dining room table with several layers of old magazines, Sana gathered her son's paints, and placed them on the table along with a jug of water and several large pieces of paper.

"Do you want me to help?" She asked.

"No," Xiyu answered with a shake of his head as he settled down at the table. "I'm fine on my own."

"I think I'll stay to keep an eye on things," Sana said.

Settling down at the opposite end of the table, Sana sat with her book. Sana was hoping to get some inspiration for baby names. When she was pregnant the first time they'd known she was expecting a boy. However, this time they had no idea if she was expecting a boy or a girl. As for names, they had no options for a second child as Tzuyu had mentioned the name Xiyu almost as soon as she'd told her she was pregnant, and Sana had instantly known the name was perfect for their firstborn. That meant she had to find some options for the baby she was carrying.

As she flicked through the book, making the odd note on some spare paper when she found a name she liked, Sana kept an eye on Xiyu. Luckily for the first time all week, her son seemed content to sit quietly and not cause havoc. If she'd known painting was what was going to keep him quiet she would have tried it a few days ago.

After nearly ninety minutes in the dining room, Sana needed to use the bathroom. Since Xiyu was being so well behaved, she told him to carry on with his picture while she quickly went upstairs. Xiyu nodded and promised to behave without even lifting his head from his art project as Sana left the dining room.

Nearly five minutes later, Sana returned to the dining room and her good mood evaporated as she stood in the doorway and took in the sight that greeted her. Xiyu was still sitting in his chair painting, only there was now green paint streaked through his hair and all over his face. However, what was worse was the wall that was behind her son. Her beautiful walls were splashed with various shades of green paint. Some of the paint was even dripping down the wall and running onto her carpet.

"Xiyu, what have you done?" Sana cried as she got over her shock and entered the room.

"Nothing," Xiyu answered. When he looked up, Sana groaned when she saw he'd painted a red moustache over his top lip.

"Why is there paint on my walls?" She demanded as she quickly scrubbed at the wet paint.

"I was picking a green for my dragon," Xiyu answered as he held up a piece of paper with a large green blob in the center.

"You didn't have to try them on my walls," Sana protested. "Just put the paints down and sit there like a good boy."

"But my dragon isn't done yet," Xiyu whined. "I want to give it to Momma."

"I thought you were painting me a picture," Sana said as she began trying to clean her walls and carpet.

"I did." Xiyu pointed to the second piece of paper and Sana saw a portrait of their family, or at least she was assuming it was their family. The picture included two large stick figures, one with dark brown hair and one with light brown, a small stick figure with more brown hair, a tiny figure she was assuming was the baby and a brown splodge that she thought was Minjoong the puppy.

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