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Since it was Saturday and Tzuyu was going to be around, Sana was hoping that Xiyu wouldn't cause too much trouble. It hadn't escaped her notice that the second Tzuyu returned home, their son was nothing but an angel and there was no sign of his mischievous side. However, Sana's hopes of Tzuyu keeping Xiyu out of trouble were shattered over breakfast when Tzuyu announced she was going to pick up her father's birthday present.

"I thought you did that yesterday," Sana said with a frown. "I'm sure you mentioned it on Thursday night."

"I was planning on picking the watch up yesterday lunchtime, but my meeting ran over and I couldn't get to the jeweler before he shut for the evening," Tzuyu explained.

"Xi, do you want to go with Tzutzu?" Sana asked.

"But I thought you were going to bake a cake for my dad," Tzuyu said before Xiyu could answer his mother.

"I am," Sana replied. She'd agreed to make a cake for Me. Chou. "But I can do that while Xi goes with you."

"I want to make cake," Xiyu cried.

"It sounds like the decision is made," Tzuyu said with a chuckle as she stood up. "You two enjoy making your cake, and I'll go and get my dad's watch. I might even call into the office to finish up a few bits and pieces."

"Do not spend all day in the office," Sana warned. "I want you back here at lunchtime at the latest." Tzuyu nodded and kissed Sana before hugging Xiyu and leaving the kitchen. Not entirely sure Tzuyu had taken her warning seriously, Sana told Xiyu she would be back for them to bake in a few minutes as she followed Tzuyu into the front room.

"I mean it, Tzuyu,"  Sana said as she came up behind her. "You don't need to spend all day in the office."

"I won't, I promise," Tzuyu vowed. Grabbing
Sana by the waist she gently pulled her into her arms and gave her a lingering kiss. "I'll be back before you know it, and we can spend the rest of the day together. I can tire Xi out this afternoon then we can have a romantic, peaceful night tonight."

"I like the sound of that," Sana replied with a smile. "And if you really tire him out, we might be able to really take advantage of the peace. I've got a new lingerie set that you haven't seen."

"I can't wait to see it," Tzuyu said with a wide grin. "I can't wait to tear it off you."

"There will be no tearing," Sana stated firmly. "The set is new and expensive, and I don't want it ruined. Besides, I'm hardly in shape for tearing underwear and having steamy quickies."

Tzuyu chuckled at her wife and gave her a final kiss goodbye before she released her and headed off to pick her dad's birthday present up. Sana watched Tzuyu go with a smile on her face. She then turned around and headed back into the kitchen, where she was greeted by major chaos.

Sana kept all her baking ingredients in one of the bottom cupboards, and it would seem Xiyu had remembered just which cupboard. He'd pulled out bags of flour and sugar and tipped them all over the floor. It was just lucky the eggs were well out of his reach, or else he would have added eggs as well.

"What are you doing?" Sana asked, feeling as though she'd asked the question a million times over the past week.

"Making a cake," Xiyu answered as he swirled his hands around in the flour and sugar mixture.

"We don't make cakes on the floor," Sana said with a sigh. "Let's get you up and hope we've still got enough ingredients for your grandpa's cake."

Picking Xiyu up, Sana wiped his hands and clothes and sat him back down at the table. She then cleaned the flour and sugar off the floor and checked they still had enough to make a cake. Luckily she had an unopened full bag of each so Xiyu's little playtime hadn't ruined things. Sorting everything they would need, Sana handed Xiyu a wooden spoon of his own.

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