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After getting up early and making sure Tzuyu had something to eat before her early morning meeting, Sana headed back upstairs to wake their son. Today marked the beginning of her maternity leave, and the beginnig of Xiyu's summer holidays. Sana was looking forward to spending some quality time with her son before they welcomed the newest addition to the family. So far, Xiyu seemed perfectly happy to be gaining a sibling, but Sana wanted to make sure it stayed that way.
She didn't want her little boy to think he wasn't special because they were having a second child.

"Come on, sleepyhead" Sana called as she entered her son's room.
Picking her way over the toy littered floor, she pulled open the curtains and bathed Xiyu's room with bright sunlight. "Rise and shine."

With a slight bit of poking and prodding, Xiyu emerged from his bed. Ushering him into the bathroom, Sana supervised him getting washed and  brushing his teeth before they turned to the bedroom so he could get dressed.

"I want to dress myself," Xiyu said as Sana pulled him a pair of panta and a t-shirt out of his wardrobe. "I'm a big boy now."

"Okay, I'll just supervise." Sana said.
Xiyu had recently his fourth birthday and ever since he'd been pushing for more independence.

"No." Xiyu said stubbornly crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm not a baby, mommy. I don't need watching."

"Okay, I'll just go and get myself dressed." Sana reasoned. She wasn't worried about Xiyu hurting himself as he had taken after Tzuyu and skipped the clumsy trait.

Sana didn't want to leave Xiyu alone for too long so she dressed in record speed. Returning to her son's room, she couldn't help but groan at the sight greeted her. Xiyu had ignored the clothes she gotten out for him and pulled other things from his wardrobe. He'd pulled out an old pair of pants which he'd obviously grown out of since he'd last worn them as they stopped midway down his calves. The yellow t-shirt he was wearing was both inside put and back to front, and he was wearing odd socks.

"See, I'm a big boy." Xiyu announced, grinning at his mother when he spotted her in the doorway.

"Yes, you are." Sana agreed. "But I think you need a bit more practice with dressing. Let me help you today, and you can keep practicing for the rest of the week.

"But I'm dressed." Xiyu pouted.

"But your socks are odd, your pants are too small and your t-shirt is inside out," Sana gently pointed out. "Just let me fix those things."

"Okay" Xiyu said with a dramatic sigh.

Chuckling at her son, Sana yanked off his socks and quickly found matching pair in his drawer. She then took his t-shirt and turned it the right way before removing his pants.

"Xi, where's your underwear?" Sana asked, shocked to find her son was naked underneath his pants.

"I don't like underpants" Xiyu answered.

"Well, people have to wear underwear." Sana said, thinking about how like Tzutzu, Xiyu was. Tzuyu was also opposed to underwear and often without, and of course she liked to encourage her to do the same.

After wrangling Xiyu into some underwear, Sana handed him the pants she'd originally picked out and helped him put them on the right way. She then made sure he put his t-shirt on right and was wearing matching socks before they headed off downstairs.

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