Keep Me Coming Home

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I watched his lips move with every thing he said. I was so proud.

"Yeah, it's great to be home," Taron answered the question with a sparkle in his eyes. "But I wouldn't say it's any different from when I was here last. I mean, I'm still me. This is still the same place I grew up. No amount of success is going to change that."

"Do you think you'll live here, now that you're famous?"

"I'd love to see the world," he answered honestly, "and I live in London now, because it's more convenient, but there are some things that keep me coming back here." My cheeks were burning from smiling so much, but when his eyes locked mine with this sentence, my heart started to thump and my smile grew even wider. "There'll always be a reason to come back," he laughed.

"A special something?" a reporter asked. "Or a special someone?"

Taron blushed a little, "Bit of both. I mean, all of my friends and family are here, so..."

"Anyone got your heart?"

"Well, I'm single..."

The reporters laughed and quickly scribbled notes. Taron's eyes scanned the room again, finding mine once more. He smiled cheekily, still finding all this attention a little weird, but loving it all the same.

"Do you know what you're doing next? Or are you taking some time off to revel in this box office hit?"

Taron answered each question thoughtfully and happily, and I couldn't help but marvel at the man. He really was something special, and I always knew the world would see it one day. His voice soothed me, and his words made me laugh, for another fifteen minutes or so, before it was time for everyone to leave.

I slowly made my way to the area I knew he'd be staying. "That was fantastic!" I greeted him.

"Hey! You think so?"


"Didn't sound too cocky?"

"You were sweet!"

He shied away from the word 'sweet' as though it were too girly for him, so I nudged him quickly and laughed. "Have fun?"

"Loads, yeah! Still feels odd though."

"I bet! I remember when I had to push you up to the front of class to do that stupid English speaking exam."

"God, don't remind me," he laughed. "That was traumatic."

"You sold it though."

"I don't have any problems when I know what I'm talking about," he chuckled.

"Believe me, I know," I teased.

He nudged me back, before guiding me to a little after party type thing, with a few other people.

It was quiet, and posh, but I couldn't wait to leave...


The taxi ride home was a quiet one, but comfortably so. Every now and then, I glanced over to him, and more than once, I saw him look away from me quickly. I hadn't stopped smiling the whole evening, even though the rain had started to pour.

"Ready?" I asked, wanting to run from the car to the house.

"Stay there," he said, jumping out, pulling his suit jacket over his head and running around the car to open my door.

"Are you crazy?" I laughed, hopped out of the taxi and ran with him to the house. "I could have opened my own door," I breathed as we crashed into the hallway.

"I wanted to be the gentleman," he smirked.

I gave him a grateful smile, "Thank you."

I locked the door, and turned to see him looking in the mirror. "I seem to be drenched."

"Me too," I smirked.

I saw the twinkle in his eyes as he moved towards me. He shook his head quickly like a dog in front of me, making me giggle. Then all of a sudden, he picked me up and twirled me around, "Your turn!"

I shook my head, my wet hair slapping me in the face, and splashing his. I laughed as I looked down at him, the spinning slowing down. Our eyes locked, the way they had during the interview, and I remembered to ask, "What keeps bringing you home then, Taron?"

Without a moment's thought, he replied, "You really have to ask."

I shrugged playfully, as he placed me on the ground again. He removed a strand of hair that had stuck across my cheek, and smiled softly, "You know it's you."

I slowly brushed away a droplet of rain from his top lip with my thumb, before carefully leaning in to press my lips to his. It had been so long awaited, that my body was hyper-aware of every touch. The shivers sent through my body were made cold by my rain-soaked clothes, but his hands explored my sides and back, warming me up. I felt each drop of water cling to my fingers as I ran them through his hair. But most of all, I felt him kiss me back. Each movement of his lips, each breath as we stayed together. I couldn't have found a more perfect moment in my life, and I knew that he was my home, just as much as I was his.

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