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Wandering through a city I'd never been to before, my only home comfort was clutched in my hand.

"You're squeezing a little tight there, love," I felt Taron squeeze my hand in return, to let me know everything was okay. I released my grip slightly and smiled up at him. He was only slightly taller than me, but he always seemed so big, so strong compared to my little frame.

I had no idea that I'd be this nervous visiting the set of his new film. I had no idea I'd be this nervous to see him again...

"I can't believe how long it's been," he almost read my mind.

"I know," I smiled, taking my hand from his and pulling him into a side-hug as we walked.

His arm wrapped around me, "I'm so glad you came out here."

"Why wouldn't I? It's not everyday your best friend becomes a world famous actor and is shipped off to another country."

We laughed slightly, "So I'm still your best friend, even though we've barely seen each other?"

"Of course!" I confirmed. "Am I still yours?"

"I couldn't get rid of you, even if I tried," he chuckled.

I nudged him, "So, what's it like here?"

"Nothing special," he admitted. "I mean, the experience is phenomenal, but the city isn't really much different from any other city... it's better now that you're here though."

"Aww," I cooed, holding him close. "You're too cute sometimes," I teased.

He pulled his most adorable smile and batted his eyelashes, "I try."

"I bet that works on all the girls," I felt my heart race, waiting for the answer I was dreading...

"I honestly haven't tried it," he opened the hotel door for me.

"Thank you," I scooted past him, "Really?"

"Really. I haven't found a girl worth the puppy dog look yet," he chuckled lowly, leading me through the hotel as though he owned the place.

"Oh? I thought you would have met hundreds of actresses and Hollywood babes around here?"

"I have, but none have caught my eye."

"That's not like you, Taron," I teased, although I was confused and strangely relieved at his answers so far. "Normally you'd be your flirty little self..."

"I guess I've been a little preoccupied," he admitted, showing me to his room, where we planned to catch up over coffee and a film.

"With the filming?"

"Uh," he paused, "yeah."

Unconvinced, I left the conversation there, because it was evident that he didn't want to explain further. He put the tv on and threw me the remote, "You find something to watch, I'll make the drinks."

"Deal," I smiled, and before I knew it, the drinks were gone, and we were sat on his bed, watching some terrible tv show.

"Next time," I could hear the teasing in his voice, "you make drinks, and I'm in charge of the telly, yeah?"

I laughed, "Sure."

"Come here," he lay down, and held one arm out for me to cuddle next to him.

I gladly obliged, only too happy to curl up with him. I rested my head on his chest, and felt his strong arm wrap protectively around my back, his hand gently resting on my waist. "This is nice," he mumbled.

"Mhmm," I agreed, happier in his arms than anywhere else on Earth.

"We should do this more often," he mused.

"If only," I agreed.

"There's nothing stopping us."

"Only several thousand miles," I looked into his eyes sadly.

"We're together now," he smiled softly, "and it can stay that way, if you want?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you can stay here, if you want to?"

"I'll have to think about it, Taron," I squeezed him close to me, and cuddled to his chest again, "I have a life back home. I can't just drop it."

"I know, but I won't be here forever. I've been thinking about it quite a lot."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I guess that's why I've been preoccupied. I want you to be here, with me."

"I'd love to-"

"No, wait, let me finish." He sounded serious, and although part of me was worried something was wrong, the way his hand carefully stroked my skin, I knew something good was about to happen. "I want you here with me because I want to come back 'home' to you. I want you to be in my room when I get here, so while I'm working I have something to look forward to. I want you to be here to kiss me when I get in, and lay with me while I sleep. You're my best friend, but you're so much more than that. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that stuff, and you're all I've thought about since the moment I left you at home all those weeks ago."

I was stunned. A single tear fell from my smile-creased eye and I kept my head on his chest. I could feel his heart racing underneath me, and I placed my hand over it. Calmly running my fingers across his chest, I tried to regain some composure before I looked deep into his eyes and my voice came out as a whisper - "I can't tell you I'm going to stay, Taron... but there's nothing in this world that could tear me away from you tonight. I feel the same way about you."

Before either of us had time enough to think, our lips were pressed together, in the most passionate kiss imaginable. His hands explored me in a way they never had before, and no distance would ever matter again, we were one. 

Taron Egerton x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now