Try And Stop Us Now

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Sunlight poured through the open window and made his eyes glisten. He had some exciting news, I could tell. His beautiful lips trembled with the anticipation of telling me. His rosy cheeks were flushed with the blood pumping around his body to the beat of his pounding heart. Such bitter-sweet feelings welled inside me as I watched his hands rub together with anxious glee. I knew nothing would ever be the same after he told me this news, so I lingered in the silence. I huddled in the quiet shelter before the storm, but he could contain it no longer... He took my hand and whispered, "I got it."

Tears filled my eyes, "Really?"

"I really got it," he repeated louder. "I got the part!"

I laughed softly at his overwhelming joy and nodded, "I knew you could do it! Congratulations!"

His eyes sparkled with emotion, "You believed in me. You believed in me more than I ever did. More than anyone ever did." He looked me square in the eyes, "You told me I could do it, and I never believed you, but now I do. I'll never doubt you again!"

Again, I laughed, "Don't be silly. Youdid this. I didn't do anything."

I felt myself being pulled into an almighty, bone-crushing hug. "I got the part," he whispered again, "I'm going to be a Kingsman."

"Taron," I paused, feeling each of his muscles move as he struggled to contain his excitement, but refused to let me go, "you're going to be the main Kingsman. You got the lead in a massive film!"

His exhilaration was just too cute. He held me in such a way that I could see his face again and, with tears of happiness clouding both our visions, he breathed, "I love you."

I grinned, "I love you too."

He kissed my lips softly and replied, "You're coming with me, right?"

All bitter-sweet feelings drained from me and were immediately replaced by nothing but pride and love, "Just you try and stop me."

Taron Egerton x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now