The Ride

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In every man, there's a little boy waiting to get out. For Taron, it was a silly little tram system in his home town that made him jump up and down with joy.

He told me that the whole ride only lasted about ten minutes and the only thing at the top was an old ice cream shop. I can honestly say I wasn't all that interested, but something about the excitement in his voice made agree to go with him.

So here I am, standing at the bottom of a hill, in a little seaside town with a grinning idiot.

"You ready?" he asks, practically bouncing.

"As I'll ever be," I smile, but I'm not really seeing the appeal.

He grabs my hand and pulls me into the small ticket building. Now my heart starts to race too, but for an entirely different reason. He buys both tickets and is still holding my hand as we wait for the tram. I take the opportunity to really experience him at his happiest. His eyes are glinting in the sun, his cheeks are flushed with the excitement, and his lips are full and glistening, held in an unchanging smile.

I remember him telling me about his childhood experiences here, and I can feel the pulse in his hand. I wonder if it's racing for only the one reason, but it doesn't matter now, the tram has arrived.

It's old, crooked and urgh.... But he's happy to see it hasn't changed in years. He pulls me to the very front like a hyperactive child, and we're slowly pulled up the hill on an ancient-looking pulley system. I have to laugh, or I could cry with fear and embarrassment. I can't believe I'm doing this. We judder higher and higher, and I'm too distracted by the clanking of the tram to notice that Taron is being particularly quiet.

The tram comes to a creaky stop and Taron smiles, staring directly into my eyes...

"You'll like this bit."

He pulls me out of the carriage and thanks the operator. I'm wondering what he meant, until I walk out of the building at the top of the hill, and glimpse the view he'd told me about. He hadn't been lying.

The rolling hills are the only things to be seen on two sides, while an idyllic village stretches along the stunning seaside. The water goes on for miles into the distance, and the weather is perfect for the sunshine to dance on the waves. I can't help but stare and stare, to take it all in.

I feel Taron let my hand go, but I'm too entranced by the view to really know. That is, until I feel his arms wrap slowly around my waist, and his chin rest on my shoulder.

"You like it?" he asks.

I can't speak.

"I only bring very special people up here, y'know."

I can't breathe.

"And you're the first."

I really can't breathe.

"Hey," he squeezes me, and I take a huge breath in.

He chuckled and nestles into my neck. I go back to the view, but nothing is being processed by my brain now. I've shut down, feeling nothing but his skin on mine. He gives me a moment to think, then slowly turns me around to face him. His eyes are still twinkling, but they're different now. They're more intense. He leans in, and our lips touch. I feel nothing and everything. I'm dancing on those Welsh hills, and drowning in the deep blue seas. I'm in love.... And he just kissed me.

Taron Egerton x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now