Camera Shy

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Her lips trembled as she stood, hands gripped tightly around the little book she'd bought specifically. He had to be the first one to sign it. She didn't care that it was old-fashioned, or that the girls around her would laugh. She knew that she was a real fan – she knew that his talent and skills were far more important than the way he looked, or the big names he worked with. She knew that this was probably her one and only chance to ever actually meet him, as his stardom grew and she realised he would never come to her little town again.

"Mr Egerton?" her voice was small and nervous.

"Hi!" he replied, friendly and energetic. "How are you?"

"Nervous," she giggled, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest.

He chuckled, "No need to be! What's your name, love?"

Momentarily forgetting her own name, she coughed slightly before whispering so quietly that he had to lean forward to hear her. She handed her little book over to him, and his smile grew, "Do you just want an autograph?"

"Yes, please."

"No selfie?"

"I'm camera shy," she blushed heavily. The whole convention seemed to close in around her as Taron's eyes searched her own.


"I don't know... I don't like images of myself, I guess."

"Are you sure? You're very pretty."

Her breath caught in her throat, but she didn't fully take in what he'd said, "Um, I'm sure."

"You don't sound it," he smirked, as he handed back the signed, closed book.

"How about we take a quick picture, and you can delete it, if you want?"

Staggered that he cared enough to spend this time with her, she couldn't do anything but accept.

"Okay," Taron grinned, standing up and pointing for her to walk around the table to be on the same side as him.

She handed her phone over to him bashfully, "Could you please do it? I've never..."

"Of course!" he placed his arm around the shaking girl and smiled widely, pointing the camera at the two of them. Somehow, she managed a smile, as she felt his warmth against her skin. She remained standing, but only just, as he took what turned out to be a beautiful picture of them. "Okay," he said suddenly, handing her phone back and delving into his pocket to retrieve his own, "feel free to say no, but as I'm pretty sure this picture will never see the light of day, do you mind if I have one too?"

"Why... why would you want one?" she stammered.

"I look at all the photos posted on the internet, so I want to remember you too..."

Stunned, she agreed, and had her photo taken with Taron again. "Is that okay?" she worried.

"It's perfect," he nodded, locking his phone and placing it back into his pocket.

"I can't thank you enough," she replied, knowing that her time with him was over.

"No problem," he grinned once more, and she was swept away into the crowd.

Only when she got home that night did it hit her what had actually happened. There was a picture of her on Taron Egerton's phone. He'd been sweeter than she'd ever anticipated. He had been kinder, and more, well, normal, than she'd ever realised. She looked into the autograph book to read the words, "Don't listen to that little voice that tells you otherwise... you're beautiful. Love Taron Egerton." Her heart didn't know what to do anymore... she collapsed onto the bed, her mind racing with new confidence. 

Taron Egerton x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now