Chapter 3

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I guess he didn’t
want to be
seen with me…


I traced over the hospital tag on my wrist while I waited for the results, waking up in a hospital bed was not my plan at all. I usually enjoyed spending my Saturday mornings waking up late before having my door banged on by Paige.

I saw the curtain open and watched as the doctor walked in with a folder in hand and offered him a smile which he returned.

“Don’t worry, young lady. Everything seems to be in order, just make sure you take these after a meal...” I listened to him briefly explain what had happened before hopping off the bed as I had changed back into my clothes.

“Thank you for everything. So I can go now?” 

“Yes, you are free to leave. I just spotted the man that brought you in, in the hallway. Be sure not to give the people that care about you a scare like that again” He winked while all I did was shyly smile before vacating the room.

I assumed he was referring to Seth, I was sure he had come by to check up on me but as I glanced down the hallway I saw Brock seated. I was genuinely surprised to see him which meant he had actually stayed the night with me, he noticed me lingering and stood up before he made his way towards me.

“Im sorry.” Was all he said before he gripped my hand in his and pulled me towards the exit, the rough tough and monotone voice didn’t surprise me, he was a bit of a brute.

“For what?” I called after him as he had let go of my hand as soon as we made it to the parking lot.

He stopped and turned to face me, I was forced to stare up and realized just how blue his eyes were, like the ocean. I think it helped him be more terrifying to people though, it delivered the perfect cold stare without even trying.

“Because I was the reason you were hurt in the gym last night”

“It was an accident, when I signed my contract I knew there were possibilities that I could get hurt, but I am fine though. I am pretty sure that the combination of a minor concussion and my strenuous activity led to me passing out” I smirked playfully, even though my words were true I managed to get a chuckle out of him as he caught was I was referring to.

He had really surprised me by checking on me the night before and how adorable he looked just by showing some sort of emotion other than anger caused me to bring my hand to his face.

I did it cautiously because even though we slept together several times last night, it could have just been for one night. He didn’t stop me as I stood on my toes and placed a kiss on his lips.
His right arm wrapped tightly around me to pull me against him as he deepened the kiss while his hand moved to grip my behind.

I felt a moan surfacing but the shutter of a camera close by caused Brock to break the kiss. I assumed it was a fan, he was well known around town because of him being the big draw for the gym.

I felt him quickly let go of me while he made his way after the guy who realized he had been spotted and quickly walked away. “Brock, its just a picture!”

He didn’t stay to hear me so I moved towards the pick-up truck I recognized as his from the previous night knowing he would be back soon.

And he was.

A few minutes later he appeared while I stood waiting against the truck, he was visibly pissed off and while that could be considered his resting face, it was more than usual.

I watched as he opened the door but I didn’t bother opening my side because I wanted to move to him but he opened my door for me from the inside.

“Get in the fucking car now!” I flinched due to his voice but reminded myself he wasn’t really mad at me as I quickly hopped in.

I didn’t understand why he was so upset about a picture, my brother should have been more paranoid about it. We were in a different state from my parents so hiding his fighting was easy because it was local but if pictures started travelling online it would be different. Brock should have been used to pictures, maybe not pictures of him kissing a woman though. I guess he didn’t want to be seen with me…

I glanced out of the window and realized we were outside my apartment building, I stared over at him but he was still silent like he had been since he started driving.

I realized the truck’s engine was still running, “Are you not coming up?”

“No.” He still didn’t bother looking at me. “You shouldn’t have fucking kissed me, do you wanna mess things up?”

I frowned, “Mess what up? Nevermind. I am so sorry and it won't ever happen again!”

I got out of the truck and made sure to slam the door because on top of being confused, I was pissed off as well.

“Woah. Who pissed you off?” I heard my brother’s voice as soon as I opened my door and my eye’s widened as I hadn’t been expecting him to just be waiting for me.

“Why didn’t you let me know you were coming over?”

“I tried calling you all morning but saw your phone was still here when I got here. Where were you?” He frowned as I moved over to the couch to join him while thinking of a suitable lie.

“I went to Starbucks and then I only realized when I got here that my order was wrong” I rolled my eyes for effect.

He chuckled, “Anyway. Remember when I mentioned that Vic planned to bring some wrestling aspects in for entertainment purposes instead of just every match being a bloodbath basically”

“That’s the reason you had me put in the training programme when I moved here, so I do remember” I shrugged.

“Well I hope you are prepared because he is planning to have you team up with Paige next week at the event.”

“Why on earth would we be put in when it’s the first time he will be doing it?”

“Entertainment” He smirked while I rolled my eyes.

“So he basically wants us to put on a show for the guys.”

“That might be his mentality, yeah. But the way I see it, its an opportunity for you to show what you are made of. I would love to just wrestle, less bruises” He sighed. “But when I get the title from the Beast it will be worth it”

“You really think you will win?” I asked, slightly smiling because my brother was very different when it was just the two of us out of the gym. Its like he left his big ego over there most of the time…

“I hope so. Maybe when I make it big I will finally be able to tell Dad what we are really doing”

“Seth, you can join the UFC or WWE and Dad would still be disappointed that you didn’t become a bigshot lawyer. Yet, you are still the golden child”

“In his eyes because he doesn’t really see me when he looks at me, he sees himself so he can't really hate himself. Look, I have to go spend some time with my girlfriend but we can put some hours in at the gym in the week. You will probably just have ten minutes to shine to open the show but its just the beginning..” I felt a kiss to the side of my head before he made his way to the door.

I sighed as I made my way to the bathroom to shower, trying to block out the fact that I had literally spent the night with my brother’s enemy. While he had surely made it possible for me to be one of the first females ‘fighting’ at the gym.

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