Chapter 1

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Just release your inner sex goddess, I told myself as I reached him.



That’s all I ever wanted to be, the golden girl that shined so brightly that all came to admire her. I wanted to be the girl that my parents could be proud of and be the perfect human that they could gush to their rich friends about. But that could never be me though, I had been the cheerleader and the prom queen but nothing was ever golden about me.

I would shine on the outside but be darkened on the inside. Yes, it was nice to have the adoration of many on the outside but as I grew older I realized it truly only mattered what I felt on the inside, and on the inside I was still the little girl. I had yet to grow into the woman I wanted to be because I didn’t know who she was.

My brother, Seth, he was the perfect golden boy in my father’s eyes. He was the one that swore to carry on the legacy that my father had created. And while I had tried my hardest to compete with that, as time went on I gave up on it, because I realized that when people choose to see you a certain way for all of your life nothing will really change their minds.

Maybe I could have told my father about the secrets my brother kept but I could never do that to him when he had done so much to protect me. My brother would sacrifice everything for me and I always appreciated that but also felt bad because he felt like he had to. You see, when you have a domineering man as a father and a mother that follows blindly you end up feeling less like a kid and more like what they intended you to be, an heir.

My brother and I were raised to always be proper and not mess up, and that was ingrained in me so much that I became distant to the world and allowed myself to drown in my sorrows. 

“Kenzie” I heard my brother’s voice whilst applying mascara. “Are you still mad at me?”

I stared at him in the mirror as he removed the tape from his hands, his long black hair drenched with a mixture of water and sweat as he had just gotten into his locker room minutes before. He had gotten my mom’s brown eyes while I had green eyes, both of us had the dark hair while my skin was paler than his. He was five years older than me and never failed to remind me of it, especially when he was angry at me.

“No. Just disappointed. I never thought you would be so childish” I shrugged.

“Childish? You clearly don’t understand how things work, sis. That Beast thinks he is the best in the fighting business but he is not. Sure he might be the main event around here, but I am going to make sure he hangs up his boots.” He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes and briefly glanced at the time knowing I had an early shift in the morning. “And as your sister I will support you, but not if you play dirty by distracting him during his fight again.”

“I don’t get how you are so upset when you barely know the man.”

“Maybe because I am an empathetic human being, Seth” I shrugged. “Do you really want it on your conscious if he gets seriously hurt? Wouldn’t you rather beat him fair and square to become ‘the main event’ ?”

My brother was a fighter, it wasn’t forbidden to be one but I knew he had chosen to belong to a discrete club so that my dad didn’t find out. I played arm candy for him mostly, sometimes I was introduced as his manager.

I was a barista during the day and a sidekick to my brother at night while all my father assumed was that he had dropped out of law school to become a personal trainer. I still recalled how furious my father had been at the time, I was used to getting his disappointing stares but my brother was used to the praise so I had felt bad for him. In the beginning anyway, two years later he had become more annoying the more he grew in the fighting business.

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