The rest of the week went similarly to the first day of studying. You and Kirishima continued to get hit upside the head. The first couple of days Bakugou would take a scroll to your heads for not getting the answers right. Towards the end, it was for not being specific enough. The boy quite literally, hit the answers into your heads.
Today was the day of the final exam and you felt calm taking your seat at your usual desk. Bakugou is usually already at his seat by the time you walk in, so it's strange to see him only now walk through the door. He walks over to his desk and sits down lazily, resting his head in his palm. Silence takes over and you turn to look at the classroom around you. Iida sits towards the back reading over a stack of papers that might as well be a copy of the textbook rather than just his notes. Todoroki glances your way, offering a smile. You smile back and mouth, 'Did you study?'
He nods and mouths back, 'Yes, did you?'
You give him a tired look, 'A lot.'
He lets out a breathy laugh and you follow suit."Name the two main factors of support companies."
You turn to face Bakugou, his inquiration catching you off guard. The blonde sits to the side, one arm resting on his desk and the other across the top of his chair.
You think over the factors he'd drilled into your memory and say word for word, "Support companies must be licensed to create and produce hero equipment and hero gear can only be altered or fixed by those companies."He nods. "When it comes to heroes, what must be entered in the public database and can it be changed?"
A familiar short figure walks through the door, walking towards you with his eyes glued to the exposed skin on your legs.
"Walk. Away." You say, threateningly.
He opens his mouth to say something, eyes roaming across your body.
"I will blow up your stupid ass head!"
"I will kick you're perverted ass into oblivion." You and Bakugou say in unison, looking down at him with ferocious eyes.The grape-headed pervert, walks away knowing he won't get anything out of you but broken bones and a hospital bill.
You turn back to Bakugou and answer, "A hero's quirk must be entered in the public database and it can be changed."
He nods and his lips carve into a smirk, "Easy win for me. There's no way Momo got information into those idiots' last brain cells."
You roll your eyes, 'Typical.'The rest of your class starts to file in as the hands on the clock inch closer and closer to the final exam's start time.
Your father walks into the classroom and starts handing the test out face down on the desks.
You look around, watching as your friends scramble to take in any last bits of information by hunching over their notes and books. Taking a deep breath you think, 'I know, what I know. That information isn't going anywhere. I can do this.'
A harsh whisper interrupts your thoughts, "You and Kiri better not screw this up for me. I don't lose."
Refusing to back down to a challenge, "Well then if I were you, I'd start preparing. Either way you'll lose, cause I'll be scoring higher than you.
"In your goddamn dreams, fireless." He scoffs.Bakugou's mood shifts into something much more lethal, "I'll take first with an indisputable difference. I'll beat everyone."
His tone makes it sound more like a harsh reminder for himself, rather than an actual threat to the class.
You blink, staring at him with his back to you, 'Things will never be as simple as they truly are, to you, will they? You've made just a test, yet another crucial opportunity for you to prove your worth. Only it isn't about showing the class who's best, is it? It's about convincing yourself you're the number one.'The test you think will last forever, goes by quickly as you fill in line after line and answer all the questions on the final. To your surprise there's only a few you have to stop and think twice about. The bell rings, signalling the end of the test and a symphony of sighs break out throughout the classroom. Everyone starts to get up, stretching, talking, and complaining, as Aizawa walks around collecting the tests.
Kirishima, Denki, Mina, and Sero walk over to you and Bakugou and the six of you head over to the cafeteria for lunch.
"That was...easy?" Kirishima says, astonished at his own statement.
"Right? I barely had to even think, everything was just in my head." You chime in.
Bakugou smirks and looks over at the silent three, "What about you, losers?"
"I was struggling on at least ten questions." Denki says rubbing the back of his neck, nervously.
"Yeah, same. But it wasn't too bad." Sero adds on.
"As long as we get a passing grade and get to go to camp, we're okay." Mina states, looking over at the group.

Ignite {A Bakugou x Fem Reader Story}
FanfictionAs a child, mastering and controlling three out of the four elements nature comprises of came easily to you. Before even discovering your quirk, the deep connection you shared with the earth was undeniable. Most of your life you've kept a level head...