Chapter Twenty Five: Part Two

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The towering villain begins to slowly lift an arm high above his head as you watch, your breath caught in your throat as you anticipate his next move.

The man moves in a flash of speed. His arm cuts through the air as he aims a palm down to where Bakugou stands. A flux of the scorching flames of a firestorm jet down towards the explosion quirk holder. At the speed the blinding hues of yellow come rushing down, you have no choice but to deactivate your air abilities and summon the water spirit.

Almost as if it had already sensed the imminent danger of a fire, the spirit flows within you like a powerful stream. You swing your arms up, palms to the blaze. The earth splinters and cracks before water breaks through from beneath the surface, erupting with the likes of a turbulent geyser.

The flames sizzle and extinguish, smoke rising from the collision between fire and water. The connection between the water spirit and your own grows stronger, allowing you to push your ability further. The pressure of the spring increases and you watch as the water advances on the diminishing flames until it drowns them out completely.

Behind you, Bakugou manages to land a few blows on a weakened Twice and Compress, sending them flying a good distance away from where the two of you hold your ground.

Bakugou presses his back against yours, "The ugly has a quirk similar to yours. Air and fire. How the hell-"
You cut him off, confirming with yourself that this man is, without a doubt, the one you came to know as the 'Big Man' from your past, "He can steal quirks. And from the looks of it, he has more than we can begin to fathom."

From afar, Twice and Compress push themselves back up to standing while a wheezing Shigaraki and Toga finally recuperate and take a fighting stance.
"I told you extras to stay down!" Bakugou growls as he takes a step away from you and towards the villains. You turn back around as the large man makes his descent back to the earth.
"Give him hell, fireless."
And with that Bakugou charges towards the four members of the league, sparks dancing across his outstretched palms.

You study the Big Man with caution as he walks towards you, wrinkles forming where the ends of his eyes would normally crease from a smile.
"I'll admit, I had my doubts watching you compete in the Sports Festival. But the shadows hiding, lurking behind your eyes will always give away who you truly are."
Your lip curls up in disgust at the man's words, "You know nothing about who I really am."

Again, his bitter laugh cuts through the thick air.
The Big Man stops, keeping a generous distance between the two of you. His fabricated demeanor of nonchalance let's you know he has no intention to fight you. No. Because his intentions haven't changed. He wants to keep you alive in order to finish what he started long ago.

And the only way to do this is through a tactic people like him, people who are never satisfied, people who crave more, resort to. One he believes will work on you. Manipulation.
The edges of your lips curve into a smug grin. Even at a young age you couldn't be convinced to follow in the vile footsteps your own parents geared you in the direction towards.
'Give me your worst.'

"You were brought up surrounded by crime and ruthless killings. Your parents showed you how flawed the world truly is, opened your eyes to the harsh reality. You crave a fantasy. A world of peace. Well let me tell you. There will never be peace in a world so long as those who are stronger are praised and those who are weaker are discarded, useless to the city. Thrown aside until they have no choice but to give in to the role society forces them to take."

This time you laugh, "You and I see the world in very different colors. Regardless of whether one carries a quirk or not, no human is truly useless. Our world runs on both quirkbearing and quirkless humans alike. Yes, our world is flawed. I see no need for the social ranking amongst pro heroes but that is something that I believe can be fixed through sensible communication, not crime and hatred. Society does not always determine one's fate. It is exactly as you said, I was born into a world of violence and raised by malicious people and yet even I saw through the immorality. I chose the life I wanted to live. Stop excusing your agenda of malevolent actions and placing the blame on anyone but yourself."

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