Chapter Nineteen

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You put a hand on Mina shoulder's and the other on Denki's, patting their backs comfortingly as they whine dramatically.
"I'm looking hearing...your stories about training camp!" Mina wails to the group of students gathered before class.
Midoriya shakes, frantically trying to find a way to keep them optimistic, "Hey, we don't know anything yet. Maybe...maybe there'll be a twist or something. Like at the quirk test when we were told whoever came in last would be expelled...and well, I'm still here."
Sero shakes the green-haired boy's shoulders, "Midoriya you're going to jinx it!
"Ah! You're right! Forget I said anything! Universe, I take it back!" the freckled boy, panics.
"There's no way. We're done for. Done for! If we fail the exams, then we can't go to camp and have to go to summer school hell! And we failed the physical final!"
Kiri sighs, sadly, "There's no hope for us."

"I don't know what's going to happen, but all I know is that my status for attending camp is also questionable. The only reason our team passed was because of this lifesaver, right here." Sero says, nodding his head towards you. "But I didn't do anything, I was knocked out the whole time."
"Everyone, relax. Just wait to find out what happens before you panic. I'm sure everything will be okay. I think you're all overthinking it. " You reassure them.
"That's something coming from you." Midoriya says with a chuckle.
Sero raises a brow at the boy, "You shouldn't be talking either."
Bakugou walks through the door, takes one look at the moping Mina, Denki, Kiri, and Sato, and walks over to his desk.
Denki and Kiri chase after him, whining, "Bakugou!"
"I don't care." Bakugou groans.

Your father walks through the room and your classmates rush to their seats, going silent in anticipation.
He walks over to his podium and looks at all of you, "I'm sure you're all dying to know what's going on with your final grades in correlation to attending camp. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods..." He pauses for dramatic effect.
The tension in the room rises.
Denki, Mina, Sero, Kiri, and Sato all inch forward in their seats, the suspense nearly killing them.
"Everyone is going!" Aizawa announces, a smile plastered on his face.
The five nervous wrecks jump out of their seats, cheering.

"Now for the details. I'm proud to announce that everyone passed the written exam. There's been a great show of improvement between the midterms and now. Unfortunately, however, not all of you passed the practical exam. Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero all failed. The point of the training camp is to improve your strength. You five need it the most so it would only make sense for you to join the rest of the class. Tricking you into thinking you wouldn't be able to go to camp if you failed was just a logical deception." Your father puts on a smug smile, proud of his cruel scheme, and hands back the graded written portions of the final.
You shake your head with a small smile, 'You evil, evil man.'

"That's not all. The five of you still failed and will therefore be attending required lessons at camp...Lessons that will be far tougher than what you'd expect from summer school." Aizawa continues to explain.
The group lets out an exasperated sigh.
"I knew it was too good to be true." Sero complains.
"Hey, at least we're going!" Kirishima says in an attempt to keep a positive ambience.
Aizawa sets a large box down on a table next to his podium and reaches in to grab a blue booklet, "These are the Training Camp Guides. Anything and everything you need to know about what to bring, expect, prepare for, and so on is within this book. Read it. If anyone asks me a question and the answer can be found within these pages, I'm giving you all a graded test on the entire guide. Now, come pick up your copies-"
Before the tired man gets to finish his sentence, a flood of students rushes to the front of the room excitedly.
Aizawa cringes and makes his way to the exit, quickly stepping out into the hallway and slamming the door shut behind him.

Denki walks over and softly taps the top of your head with a camp guide before handing you the copy, "Here ya go."
"Thanks, Denks. See I told you everything would be okay." You smile up at the blonde.
"Yeah, you were right. I'm so glad I get to go to camp!" Denki admits, returning the grin.
The bell rings, interrupting your conversation for a moment and indicating the start of lunch.
You and Denki walk down to the cafeteria and go your separate ways as he walks over to the line and you join Kirishima and Bakugou at the group's usual table.
You sigh as you hear, more than see, Bakugou yelling at the boy and ponder over why the boy was snapping at Kiri this time.
"What's going on?" You ask the two, taking your seat in front of them.

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