Chapter Twenty Five: Part One

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Your heart pounds violently against your ribcage as you struggle to compose yourself at the sight of the ghastly beasts. Nomu's are made to withstand the most destructive attacks; even some of the strongest heroes struggle against them. And here you are, in a room full of fifteen of them.

Images of your father's bloodied face as he's slammed again and again into the ground at the hands of a Nomu flash in the back of your mind. That day remains haunting you, a curse that flows through your head constantly. Your hand acts on its own as it reaches up to touch the stripe of rough skin on your neck. Too many times, Shigaraki's deadly fingers have wrapped around your throat, leaving a scar in their wake.

If Bakugou hadn't saved you that day, things would've turned out way worse. He has always saved you, whether from looming danger or protecting your secrets, Bakugou is always there. And you've had your fair share of saving his impulsive ass, ever since the first time the two of you fought alongside each other in training. Despite the circumstances, you almost want to laugh at the thought of how often the two of you argue yet seem to be there for each other the second you need it. Something shifts within your chest and you realize just how badly you want him back. 'I'm going to save Bakugou.'

You make to turn back into the hallway but a loud rumbling, coming from upstairs, stops you in your tracks. The floor and walls all around you start to tremble and almost immediately you recognize the sensation. The building is collapsing. You're taken back to the incident you caused as a child. You can still hear your young voice shout, "Leave me alone," before your emotions completely take over and you bring the roof down on your parents and their companion. The heavy debris falling down towards their unsuspecting bodies.

Parts of the second story floor start to crack and crumble down onto the ground floor. Your instincts kick in and you pull large slabs of rock from the earth's bed with your quirk, breaking through the layer of material you stand on. Bringing your arms in a cross against your chest, the earth follows; surrounding you in a protective barrier of the earth's sturdy stone slabs.

Inside the enclosed shield, you're back in the body of your child-self, sitting with your knees pulled into your chest as you try to gain control of your rapid breathing. Your muscles tighten and your hands begin to shake. 'Breathe.' A nervous whine builds at the back of your throat and your eyes begin to sting. 'Don't cry. You cannot cry. Do not cry.' You plead to yourself, 'Breathe, dammit!' You bite down on your bottom lip and dig your nails into your palms, giving yourself some sort of pain to distract and snap you out of your anxious state.

Your sense of time is completely obscured in your fit of terror. Minutes seem to last like hours while you're trapped in your shelter, reliving a moment of your life you wish you could forget. You listen as the rubble slowly stops its downfall, less and less of it hitting against the rock guarding you.

You drop your arms from their tight hold around your knees and place them on either side of the small cave you created. Muffled voices rise from the silence after the walls and floor cease to crumble. You wait, ears attentive, in an attempt to strain for any information on what had caused the collapse and who might be waiting for you outside of your shield. Everything within a ten feet radius around you seems quiet, undisturbed.

You take the opportunity to activate your earth quirk and break through a piece of the rock in front of you. The gap you make at an eye-level, grants your vision access to the room and the large containers holding Nomu's at rest. The sight never fails to send shivers down your spine, even inactive the sight of them alone is a threat within itself. You turn to the other side of your shelter and bring your arms up to create another hole, in order to examine the other side, but a small splash stiffens every muscle in your body.

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