Chapter Twenty Four: Part Three

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You sigh as you finally sink into the comforting blue seats of the train as the doors shut and it departs from the station. You'd lost nearly ten minutes scanning over the many different train routes and establishing the direction in which you're supposed to be headed in order to make sure you got on the right train.

With having been homeschooled all your life and now attending the same school where your father teaches, comes the consequences of inexperience in knowing your own way around. You managed to make it on the train traveling from Nagano over to where it makes one of many stops throughout the large Yokohama City, specifically in the Kamino Ward. The trains on this route leave every ten minutes and luckily, by the time you figured it out, one had just pulled into the station.

'Looks like I have two hours to kill.'
Your gaze wanders over to the glossy window and the beautiful scenery the tracks travel through. Soft lavender clouds drift slowly across the sky's canvas of pastel hues of orange and pink, while a bright yellow sun sets behind peak after peak of sturdy mountains.

You lean your head back against your cushioned seat and let your eyes fall shut. Your name rings between your ears in Bakugou's struggling voice as he shouts for you, just moments away from being engulfed by an odious purple haze. You bring a hand to your temple and your eyelids flicker open. There is no chance for your mind to rest, not without knowing that Bakugou is safe under the protection of the heroes and away from the greedy hands of the villains.

You pull the tracking device from your shorts' pocket and, with the action, a little white slip of paper falls out onto the floor. Placing the receiver in your lap, you bend forward to grab the small scrap. You turn it over between your fingers and notice it's folded in half. As you open it up and flatten out the crease in the slip, you find words written in light purple ink with specs of golden glitter. Just by the way the tails of the t's and y's curve into little swoops at the end, you know the handwriting belongs to Shinsou.

'Hey, it's Shinsou. Dad said he was sending over some clothes for you since you'd be let out of the hospital tonight so I just wanted to write to you since you haven't had your phone these past two days. I'm really glad you've recovered and get to come back home. I really miss having my annoying sister around all the time. Mic is here, he's been here all day planning out a special dinner for you and Dad. Not to mention, singing his heart out while he does it. Midnight's here too. We're making her famous chocolate cake. We really do miss you. A lot. I know what you went through is very difficult and I can only imagine how you feel right now. But I want you to know that I am here for you, always. Trust in me. Love you. ~Your brother, Shinsou'

A single tear runs down the curve of your cheek and you bring your palms up to your eyes to stop the others that threaten to fall. You just now realize this is your first time ever doing something like this alone. It is no surprise that you miss your family terribly; you've been missing them since the second you stepped onto the bus that took you to the week-long camp. Having your father there made it a lot easier but nothing compares to being home with your brother, aunt, and uncle too.

You wish your father was here beside you right now. This is the longest the two of you have ever been apart from each other. The last time you saw him he was holding you in his arms like a child as you woke up from a nightmare. He is always saving you, whether from your own thoughts or actual physical threats. You can only imagine how busy he is trying to find as many leads on the League's location and, most likely, dealing with the press. He hates the press. 'Thanks for everything you do, Dad. I'll handle this one.' You think as you slip the note back into your pocket, 'Dinner can wait.'

The two hours manage to pass quickly as you keep your mind occupied by scheming and preparing for any situation you may find yourself in when arriving at the device's specified location. The train pulls into the Kamino Ward station and you're out of the railed vehicle as soon as the doors glide open. You run down the stairs of the platform and step out into the night of a bustling city. Crowds gather as people wander through the streets, moving from shop to shop and stopping to watch whatever is being shown on the large screens plastered on the sides of the buildings.

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