Luub U Too

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Aaliyah Pov::

Wen i heard Chris say he leaving my heart juss left my whole body. I love chris to death he treat me like I'M his own daughter.. CHRIS would be a wonderful dad, because the way he treats me it like the world would never end..He treats me like a princess! Right now im sitting outaide of chris and my sistaa door, than all of a sudden blossom walks out and get in her car and pulls off. Where is she going? , Will i ever see her again?, Why did she leave? , What happrned that bad that she have to leave?....I thoughts kept going through my head until i heard chris cryiing. I looked in their room and he was cryiing his eyes out! I watched how he tried to call Blossom but I guess she didn't pick up door he threw his IPhone 6 to the wall. It broke into pieces... I watched how Camery went in there to try to cheer him up but he pushed her..He looked at her and his eyes turned pitch black.. She stepped back anf ran to her room, i walked in the room and rubbed his back.. His eyes turned back to normal, he looked at me and hugged me tightly. I hugged back and he just cried on my shoulder. He let me go, have me a kiss on the cheek,  and he laid down and was going to sleep... I got under him and we snuggled together.  We went to sleep together and that's all I remember...

°•Blossom Pov•°

I left the house after the argument and went to my favorite Cafe. I got a text from Camery and it was a picture of My baby guuh sleepin wiff my Baby 4 Life Chris..They were so cute sleeping together but they both had tear stains on their faces... Camery told me thats wheat happens wen i leave them, i thought to myself i left for no reason it wasn't his fault it was mines. I drove back home and went to my room, i saw that his Iphone 6 was into pieces..I got sad so I walked to Carry room.. She was sitting on the floor crying, I rubbed her back and she looked up and hugged the living life out of me..

Me: Whats wrong boo*On the verge of crying*

Camery: Im scared of Chris because the way he looked at me

Me: How did he look at You?

Camery: He looked at me and his eyes turned Pitch black, No White or Brown it was juss black..

Me: Im sorry this all happened becausr it is my fault im sorry.

I helped her up off the floor, helped her fix herself up and went in my room. I gave both Aaliyah and Chris a Kiss on their foreheads...  I walked back to carry and asked her dis she want to come wiff me to go get CHRIS a new phone. She said Sure,  we left out the house and went to the mall to go get it. After going to the mall to get the IPhone 6 back...I wrapped it in a Gold box and a Blue bow. We went back home and he was woke juss starring out of space.... I walked up to him and gave him a kiss, he looked up and than looked back down... I lifted his head up!

Me:  Baby its not your fault okaii so juss cheer up it will be alrite u already know how i feel now so no need to be upset..Baby im sorry

Chris: No baby im sorry for yelling at you, im sorry that this situation turned out this way, im sorry that i didn't even want to listen to what u had to say Im juss sorry ...Baby do u forgive me...

Me: Baby i will neva stay mad at u and u know that. If i gotta stay in a house wiff yo sexy ahh heck nahh i will neva stay mad at u baby..*Kisses him*

Chris: I love u Bloss*Kisses Back*

Me: I Lubb U Too Chris

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