Bangiin Body

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Chris pov

So yesterday I really did feel sorry for talking about Camery about our sex but haay she spoke it up so i just had to tell her..I wouldnt tell just anybody who ask me i just told her becuuh she lives in the same house as her and she was gonna find out sooner or latta!!  I can't wait till my BABY get up because im getting kind of bored..She so cute when she sleep and she even more prettier wen she awake so i took a picture of her and put it on instagram n tagged her...!!

He phone went off and it was from instagram and she woke up(Ooooppss)...She got up nd checked her phone and saw it was from instagram and it had my name so she checked it. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face while she was doing watever!.!.! I came out the bathroom in her room and she looked at me and looked away..I didnt know if she was mad or not so i just sat on the bed and tried to hug her but she wouldnt let me so i thought she was mad..She went to the bathroom and i walked behind her, she washed her face and brushed her teeth than went to the bed and layed down.!!

Chris:Well Goodmorning Beautiful!! (Smiling)

Blossom:Goodmorning to you too handsome(Blushing)

Chris:Did u sleep good?

Blossom:Well yea i slept guud until i got woking up by my phone

Chris:O umm i just got bored and u sleep so cute so i took a pic and put it on Instagram

Blossom:Thanks about the compliment and Okay

Chris:So u not mad(Curious)

Blossom:Nahh its alrite that you shared my beauty on the internet

Chris:O i thought u was gonna be mad but haay i thought wrong

Blossom:(laughgs) Its okay but umm what do u wanna do today??

Chris:Lets sit and watch movie with the rest of the fam

Blossom:I am not inviting my family to watch no movie with me i dont even remeber the last time i saw my family

Chris:Im talking about U Me Aaliyah and Camery just us not the other family

Blossom:O i knew that!

Chris:Sure you did but first what is there to cook because a nicca hungry and i know the girls will be hungry when they get up too(Laughs)

Blossom:Go see your self Mr.Im Hungry!

Blossom Pov::

When Chris left out the room i walked behind him and split ways.! He went downtstairs and I went to see if Camery was woke!!  I walked in her room and she was just now getting up... She a sleepy head we is so much like sisters but anyways enough of that I told her  when she finish doing what she do come downstairs and eat... I walked out her room and into Aaliyah room.. She was on her phone I don't know what she was doing but she was just up there... Yes she got a phone for her age because if she decide to go somewhere and she needs something other something happen she can just call.!! °° I told her to do her routine and come downstairs and eat.  She already did what she had to do before I even came so she just went downstairs and sat in the living room waiting for the food to be ready...

Camery pov:: ~~

Blossom told me to do what i had to do and come down stairs to eat.....  I did my routine and ran down eke steps and saw them already eating..  How long did i take because they were half way done that's a shams u take to long.! 

Chris:Yo plate in the microwave

Me: Thanks Chris

Chris:You Welcum Cam

After he called me that i smiled and went in the kitchen..No i dont like chris as a boyfriend because he's with my sister(not real sister) Blossom...They are cute but umm i went to eat my food and they were done so they puy their plates in the sink and blossom started to wash them so i hurried  and finish but not too fast so i will choke. I manage to finish so she can wash it becuuh it didnt feel like it...I went in the living room to see Chris and Aaliyah taking picture, they were soo cute bonding together so i took a picture of them taking pictures of their selves and put it on instagram and Facebook...! I tagged Chris and Blossom so they can see and Be like awwwe thats cute..They were finish and Chris got up, i didnt know where he went but he went somewhere...I found out when i heard Blossom yelling so i knew he was in there bugging her while she was cleanin!!!

Blossom:Chris MOVE !


Blossom:NOOOO! U SAY SORRY U PUUNK(laughing).

Chris:O its like that huh?? Well guess who the punk is now...

When Chris said that he just got on top of her and tickled her to death and she was laughing so hard she was crying..!! Tears of joy and funnest.!.!...!!! He stopped because her face started turning red from laughing so hard and he started running... He ran to their room and she screamed his name but no answer...

Aaliyah pov:: 

Blossom screamed Chris name but he didnt answer so she just went in the living room she didnt even go see what he was doing i was suprised.. She sat down and started looking through the movie set!!!....  I just sat there and waited for the movie to start.. While Blossom looked for the movie I sat down waiting Camery Went to get the snacks out the kitcen and Chris was still upstairs doing Who knows what!! I deciding while thet do that i see what Chris is doing..~~ I walked up to Their room(Yea chris moved in with us like a month ago..Yea they been together for 2 months now but yea) and he was sitting on the bed starring at tge ceiling thinking..

Aaliyah: Chris whats wrong?

Chris:Nothing Liyah

Aaliyah:Okay and we boutta watch a movie want to join??

Chris:Yea i forgot about that lets go!

Aaliyah:U knew we was watching movies

Chris:Yea i tokd your sister we should just chill and have movie day and night

Aaliyah:O Okay

Chris:Yea lets go!!!

We got covers and other things and went downstairs... We were watching Mama and that was scary and funny at the same time...We all got scared at times and we all laughed at times so I got up because I had to use the bathroom but I was scared because mama was going to be in the hallways watching me... I told Camery to take me to the bathroom and she did and we came back down and watched the rest of the movie... By the end of the movie every body was sleep....

Blossom pov:

I woke up whrn every one was sleep and it was still light outside...!! I went to take a shower and and put on my clothes(In Media Box)... I was finish doing what i had to do and i woke up Aaliyah. I told her to get dress because i wanted to take her to the mall with me and Camery..I told Camery to get up also and she did...They went to put on clothes and came back looking fesh as ever!!. We went to the mall for a couple of hours and went back home..

Chris:Damn! Baee got a BANGIIN BODY !!.

Blossom:  Boy hush and Thanks baee (Blushing).

Chris:  Ite and Im going upstairs

This story is boring to me but I hope you like it and I might have messed up on something's but please forgive me!!

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