Part 6: Are we pregnant?

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A/N: It's been 4 months since Jungkook has been discharged from the hospital and is now back at work with the other 6 members.

Y/N's P.O.V
Myself and Jimin have been together now for almost 2 years now (I can't remember how long I said before). We've not really had any arguments since the argument in the hospital a few months ago. I think that we've become extremely close. Well, closer than we were before. But we still have small disagreements but that's natural in relationships. But more so in ours. He has really bad trust issues. I've been to visit the boys a few times and Jungkook is so much better than he was 4 months ago. We are looking at different houses to see the options we like. So far, we have 3 possible options. We've got to go for an another viewing next weeek. "Jimmie? When do we go for that viewing for the houses??" I ask him as I walk through to the living room where he is sitting relaxing. "Umm.. Monday." He replied back to me as I sit down next to him. He looks away from his phone and places a kiss on my lips. Passionately. "Bubs, it's not like you've not seen me all day." I say to him. "I know, but I want to kiss those delicious lips of yours. I mean, I could eat them..!" He says to me with the look of lust in his eyes. Park Jimin! "Jimin! We can't. The boys will be here any second. I appreciate the kiss though." I say a bit flustered. He starts to pout. "But baby.... I don't care if they walk in. I want you now! I NEED you now!" He says to me with desperation in his voice. "Later baby, I promise." I say with a smile on my face. His pout disappears as soon as there's a knock on the door. "I'm going to go get that. You coming??" I ask him. "No... cause you're being mean to me." He says all pouty. This man. Honestly. Myself and Jimin have been staying at my house while he's had a few weeks off from work. "Well, I'm going. Don't whine when I leave the room." I say walking out the door with a huge smile on my face. I know he will be right behind me in the matter of seconds. I walk towards the door and answer it. I see all 6 boys. Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Namjoon, Tae and Jungkook. I open the door and let them in. As I do I feel hands on my lower hips. I feel his lips press against my neck. "Please make yourself at home. Please feel free to take your jackets and shoes off, if you like." I say to them. "Y/n please don't be so formal with us. You have been with Jimin for almost 2 years, you should know by now." Namjoon says to me. "I know, I'm just nervous that's all. You've not been to the house in a while.." I say to them. "Please head through to the living room." Jimin says to them. We all head through to the living room and have a good catch up before we order the food.

Jimin's P.O.V
The others are now here and I'm so excited to see them. But I'm glad to have that time away from them and spending it with Y/N. We've now ordered the food and we've gone with Pizza's. "I'm going to go and get the pizza's soon. Does anyone want to come with me?" I ask everyone. "I'll come with you Jimin. Let me go get my shoes on." Yoongi hyung says to me. "Okay I will be leaving in the next few seconds hyung." I say to him as he walks out the living room. I walk over and kiss Y/n goodbye. "I will be back soon babygirl. I love you." I say to her as I place a kiss on her lips. "See you soon bubs. Drive safe and I love you too." She says after we've broken the kiss. I place my lips against her's one last time before saying goodbye to the others. Before I could say anything there were a chorus of 'awe's at the nicknames. "Goodbye guys. We will see you when we get back." I leave the living room and head to the door. Picking up my wallet and car keys on my way out. Myself and Yoongi get into the car and head to the takeaway. The drive is quiet for a while before Yoongi hyung breaks it. "So, how is everything with Y/n?" He asks me. "So far, it's good, really good. We've used the time I've not been working to bond with each other more. We're actually..." I stop myself from saying what I was going to say because I want to tell everyone together with Y/n. He looks at me confused. "You're...?" He says to me. "We're actually going to her parents next weekend. I'm going to ask her to marry me. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She makes me so happy, hyung." I say to him. "I'm glad she's making you happy Jimin. Myself and the others can tell that your behavior has changed since you've met her. We're glad you are happy." He tells me. "She's not like my other ex's hyung. She treats me differently than they did. I can't see my future with out her." I tell him. He smiles at my reply. He stops talking as we pull up at the takeaway. We both head in and collect the pizza's and pay. We then head back out to the car and within seconds we're home and eating dinner.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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