Part 4: Finding the note.

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Y/N's P.O.V
I wake up as soon as Jimin's alarm goes off. I open my eyes and I look down and see him in my arms still asleep. I move a little and grab his phone to turn the alarm off but see him start to wake up. He looks at me and kisses my lips.
"Good morning" He says to me in his raspy voice.
"Good morning" I say back to him with the biggest smile.
"Thank you for staying with me last night. It helped a lot." He tells me.
"You are more than welcome. I'm glad it helped. If I'm being honest I really enjoyed staying with you. Having someone to cuddle up to and know that I'm safe when I'm in your arms." I tell him as I sweep his fringe away from his eyes and place a kiss on his lips.
He kisses me back with so much passion.
"I really enjoyed you staying too." He tells me while catching his breath after we broke the kiss.
"Could I use your shower please?" I ask him as I sit up.
"Oh yeah. It's just through there." He tells me pointing to his en-suite bathroom.
"Thank you. I've just remembered I don't have anything with me. Could I borrow something from you?" I ask him.
"Oh that's okay. I will find something you could wear until we go to yours." He tells me as he gets out of bed.
"Thank you so much my love. I will see you when I come out." I say to him as I walk to the bathroom.
"I will put some towels into the bathroom for you and it's my pleasure." He says back to me.
"Thank you." I say walking in and closing the door but not locking it, so he can put the towels in.
I begin to undress and turn the shower on in the process.

Jimin's P.O.V
I walk into my wardrobe to see if I could find anything that would fit Y/N but don't. I grab a hoodie and leave it on the bed. That's when I remember that Jungkook might have some clothes that would fit her. I leave the room and walk to his. I have a look to see if I can see anything but can't. I decide to leave and have another look in mine. On my way out I see a note addressed to the boys on his bedside table. I pick it up, open it and read it.
It reads:
I'm so sorry for all the hurt I've caused you guys. You don't need that. I've probably caused you more pain now but I wasn't happy. I don't want to be here anymore. I'm sorry that you don't understand why. I just couldn't tell you. It was too hard. It's my sisters birthday and the anniversary of her death. I was such a horrible person to her after she got sick. You probably noticed the change in my behaviour during that time. I'm also sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me someday for what I've done. For now though it's goodbye. Don't be too sad about this. I deserve this. You guys don't deserve to have to live with me. A self destructive guy who beats himself up about his sister for the way he treated her. I'm a monster who doesn't deserve you guys so this is why I've written this note and am now probably laying on the bathroom floor bleeding to death. I love you all. Thank you for being the best friends I could ever have. Thank you for being my family and for raising me. For helping me achieve my dreams. You guys deserve everything that you have and will achieve. I don't. I didn't deserve to be a member of BTS. Have a good life.
Forever your golden maknae Jungkook. X

Once I've finished reading it, I walk back to my bedroom and sit on the bed to try and process everything that he said in the note. I didn't realise that I was crying until Y/N walks out of the bathroom, sits beside me and hugs me.

Y/N's P.O.V
I was just about to go into the shower when I hear crying come from the bedroom. I put my clothes back on, turn of the shower and walk out. I see Jimin sitting on the bed holding a note and crying. It then clicks. That's the note that Jungkook left. I walk over to the bed and hug him sitting down in the process. He hugs me back and cries into my shoulder.
After about a few minutes he's stopped crying so I take the opportunity to ask him what's going on.
"Jiminie? What's wrong?" I say to him in a soft tone.
He says nothing and just hands the note to me. I take it and read it.
"Oh my love. I'm not surprised you're crying. Have you shown the others?" I ask him.
"No, I came in here to try and process it before going down to the others." He says back to me.
"Shall we go and give it to them. Together?" I ask him.
"Yes please. Sorry for interrupting your shower." He says to me.
"Jimin it's okay I can either have a shower when we come back upstairs or when I go home." I say to him. He nods in reply and we get up and walk to the door and head downstairs. Jimin grabs my hand as we do.
I walk downstairs with Jimin and head into the living room and see everyone up. Before anyone speaks Jimin does.
"Guys, I found Jungkook's note that he left us before he tired to take his own life."
Jin walks towards him and he hands it to him.
"Good morning guys." I say to everyone.
"Good morning you two. How did you sleep?" Namjoon asks us.
"We slept really well thank you. How did you sleep?" I ask back.
"Yeah we all slept well." He tells me.
"That's good. If it's okay with you guys I think I will take Jimin upstairs and sit with him for awhile and have a shower? It gives you guys time to process the note." I say to them.
"Yeah that's fine. Thank you for being here with him. It means the world to us and him." Yoongi says to me.
"No problem Yoongi. I'm just glad I can do something to help you guys. Anyway I will leave you to it. Jimin can follow if he wants too." I say in a soft voice as I look at Jimin who is talking to Tae.
I walk towards the stairs and head for Jimin's room. I get to the room and take everything in with me. I turn on the shower and get undressed. (Jimin had found clothes for her to wear during that time.)

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