Part 1: The fan sign

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Y/N's P.O.V
Today is the day. The day you ask? The day of the BTS fan sign for their Love Yourself, Speak Yourself tour. This is the very first time I've been able to get tickets. I've only been to their concerts. So to say I'm excited is an understatement. I'm so excited to see them. I love them all so much, but the one who has stolen my heart is Jimin. I don't know what it is about him that makes me love him so much. I'm going with my younger sister. I say that but she is a couple of years younger than me. I'm 22 and will be turning 23 later this year and Jessica is 21 she only just turned 21 last week. I got the tickets as a birthday present for her.
"Jessica, we need to start leaving now. If not we will be late" I shout from my bedroom.
"Okay. I'm just finishing my hair and then I will be ready to leave. Have you got the tickets?" she shouts back.
"They are in my handbag. I will just go and check again as I'm ready to leave like now" I shout back as I walk downstairs to grab my bag and check. They are in there.
"Jess, you ready?" I shout.
"I'm coming now" she shouts as she walks out of her room and downstairs.
Once she is downstairs I grab my car keys and we head out to the car and leave for the venue.

Jimin's P.O.V
It's the day of the fan sign for our Love Yourself, Speak Yourself tour. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I'm nervous because I've put on weight and I know I have but the boys keep telling me that I haven't and I'm scared about what the fans will think of me. If they will make fun of me. I'm excited to actually meet the fans and interact with them.
"Jiminie, It's time to go" Jungkook says as he walks into my bedroom.
"Jiminie? What's wrong?" he asks.
"I'm worried about what the fans will say when they see that I've put on weight" I say letting a few tears slip from my eyes that have been making their way from spilling over the edge for a while now. He walks closer to me and hugs me tight. He tells me:
"Jimin, you haven't put on weight. Even if you have, which you haven't, they will love you the same" he tells me and I cry more. After about 2 minutes of Jungkook calming me down, we finally leave my bedroom and head downstairs to where the rest of the boys were waiting for us. We head out to the car and leave for the venue.

*time skip - at the venue*
We arrive at the venue but we have to go through the back entrance so we're not seen by the fans. When we arrive I see this one girl who stands out more than the rest. Her hair is in a half up half down ponytail with a really cute red bow holding it all together, her hair comes down her back. Her hair colour is chocolate brown. I catch her eyes as we drive past, they are the prettiest colour of blue I've ever seen. She is wearing a white Levi t-shirt and light blue jeans with a white pair of Adidas trainers. How can I feel so much love towards this girl already and I've never met her before. I try and distract myself from thinking about her, by walking into the venue. It's a lot bigger than I thought I would be inside. We've never been to this venue before. There are seats in rows of 20 at each side. The boys and I head backstage with our production/ makeup and director team. To get our makeup done and to put our stuff down.
Makeup has been done and It's time to go through and meet our wonderful, amazing and supportive fans. We all sit down and the fans start to pile in one by one.

Y/N's P.O.V
We arrive and I see the car pass us as we wait to go in, hand over our tickets and to receive our books (A/N I've never been to a fan sign by BTS before so I have no idea how it actually goes so I've made this up. Please don't hate me. Thanks)  and then wait to go in. Jessica and I are in the last group to meet the boys and get them to sign the book. As I go in I see them all sitting at the table, I turn around to look at Jessica when I feel eyes on the back of my head. I turn around and see Jimin staring at me. Is he staring at me? No, he can't be looking at me, he must be looking past me at the other fans. Yeah, that's it. Why would he be looking at me...? I arrive at the table the first person that I arrive at is Namjoon.
"Hi, what's your name?" he asks me.
"Hi, Namjoon. I'm Y/N" I say back in reply.
"Nice to meet you Y/N. How are you?" he asks me again.
"I'm really good. I've been really excited to meet you all" I say with the biggest smile on my face. He signs the book as we have a conversation and then I give him a high-five and I smile a goodbye smile.
I move to the next member who is Jin. He smiles at me as I walk towards his side of the table. After he has signed my book, I smile at him and say goodbye and I walk to the next member. Tae. Then after Tae is Jungkook then followed by J-Hope followed by Yoongi and then last but not least Jimin.
"Hi, Y/N. How are you?" he asks with the biggest smile on his face.
"Hi, Jimin. I'm really good. I was and still am really excited to meet you" I say to him as a smile begins to form on my face. I hand him the book and he signs it. I decided to ask him if he was staring at me earlier when I was waiting to come and get my book to be signed by them.
"Jimin? Can I ask you a question? Were you looking at me while I was lining up earlier?"
"Yes, yes I was" he says going shy.
"Oh okay. I thought you were. Can I ask why?" I say
"You are pretty" he says as he looks at me with a smile on his face.
"You think I'm pretty?" I ask curiously.
"Yes. You are more than pretty, you are gorgeous" he says to me as he looks at me fascinated.
"Thank you, Jimin you have no idea how much that means to me" I say looking down at the ground as shyness has now taken over me.
"Jimin, you are really handsome" I say looking into his lovely brown eyes.
"Thank you, Y/N" he says.
I thank him for signing my book and go and wait outside for Jessica when I'm approached by a member off staff that works for BTS.
"Excuse me. Could you follow me? I've been asked to come and get you" he says to me.
"Of course. I need to wait for my sister to come out so I can give her the keys to go home" I say to the big man who nods and waits for Jessica to come out.
"Let's go home and..." she says before as she has now noticed the big tall man standing a few meters away from me.
"Jess, I have to come back in. Here are the keys to the house and the car. Go home and I will get the bus home as I have no idea how long I will be" I say to her as I hand her the keys.
"Okay? Why do you have to go back in?" she asks.
"I have no idea. I will speak to you later. Love you and drive safe" I say to her as I hug her.
"I will and love you too" she says back in reply and walks away towards the car. I then follow the guy back inside.

Jimin's P.O.V
It's the end of the signing and we've all gone backstage to rest before we have to leave.
Once in the room, we all sit down and I ask the boys a serious question.
"Guys, I think I have feelings for a fan"
"You think or you know?" Jin asks.
"I know. I want to get to know her, but unsure if she does or if she even has feelings for me" I say back.
"Who is this fan Jimin?" Yoongi asks.
"The girl with the white Levi t-shirt and light blue jeans. I think she said her names was Y/N" I say back.
"Ahh okay. She seems nice Jimin. If you want to. Do it." Namjoon says.
"Yeah Jiminie, you will never know until you ask" Tae says.
"That's true. I will ask a member of our staff to go and get her if she hasn't left yet" I say getting up and walking away from the boys. I've asked them and they are going to get her just now.
About 5 minutes later she appears in the doorway. She looks confused, anxious and nervous all at the same time. I get up and go to her and take her into the room, I take her by the hand gently and say:
"Y/N it's okay. Come in and I will tell you everything"
"Jimin, why am I here? Why did you want to see me again? Did I offend you? OMG, I'm so sorry if I did" she says now in floods of tears.
"No, you've done nothing to offend us. I'm sorry I've made you cry" I say taking her into my arms and hugging her. She looks very confused but lets me. The boys leave and let us have our conversation in private.
"Jimin, we'll leave and let you both have a chat in peace. Give us a text when you want us to come back" J-Hope says as they leave.
"Tae, can you stay with us please?" I ask.
"Of course I can Jiminie. I will always be there for you when you need me. That's what friends are for" he says as he sits back down.
"Jimin, I don't want to sound rude as it's not who I am. But could you tell me why I'm here please" she says as she pulls away from my embrace with tear-streaked cheeks.
"Y/N, I'm going to be straight with you. I wanted to see you again. I've fallen for you. I saw you this morning when you were queuing, as I said earlier you look gorgeous. I've never told a fan that before. You are the first one" I say in a soft but confident voice as she looks at me with more tears in her eyes.
"Jimin, I thought I had done something to upset you or one of the other boys. That's why you had one of the staff members come and get me. Jimin I have something to tell you well more of a confession. I've got feelings for you too. I like you a lot. Jimin what I'm trying to say is I love you. I love you so much that it hurts" she tells me with lust in her eyes.

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