Chapter 9

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Lillian's POV

I think I'm gonna enjoy living here; Kent has been giving me pancakes and coffee for breakfast with cute little notes for the past week and Stefani's well- Stefani.

She's been in her room all week, I'm not sure but there has been some distance between her and Kent. He told me not to worry about it over the phone and that this happens on regular basis.

Maybe... I don't know.

I cut off the hot water along with my shower thoughts and wrapped up nicely in my towel. I took a peak down the hall and out in the living room and there has been no sign of anyone else being up.

Kent's at work, so I know it's just me and Stefani.

Poor thing, she's been home alone majority of her life...

I quickly made sure I dried off and got excited to treat her this fine Saturday morning. Maybe I'll make a few spinach artichoke soufflés with bacon bits in them.

I was midway working on the mixture with the artichoke until I heard a pair of feet shuffle from Stefani's hallway on my left..

I got a little excited but that was short lived when she shuffled right past me to get a bowl, a carton of milk, a box of cereal and a spoon and shuffled out the kitchen.

She didn't spare me a glance, or even bothered speaking to me.

I let out a small sigh figuring she won't want anything to eat at the moment, but I hope she'll get hungry later today and might want to reheat what I'm currently making. If she likes the salad, I know she'll like this.

I popped the dishes in the oven and set a time- of course I set the timer 10 minutes less than the initial cook time because I tend to go by nose rather than trusting the instructions.

Twenty minutes had passed and I hear Stefani's bedroom door open as I scroll on Pinterest.

She comes back with an empty box of cereal, a half full gallon of milk and an empty bowl with a spoon hanging out of her lips.

She still won't look or speak to me..

"Good morning," I built up the courage to speak but her back was already facing me when I had done so.

Out the corner of my eye I catch her saluting me off as she continues to make her way to the hallway and I could feel a small smile curl around my lips that even though she's not talking or looking at me, she's acknowledging that I exist.

My phone vibrates with a text from-

Stefani: gm

I double tapped her text message and a red heart formed at the top corner of her message. I was definitely smiling that she has interacted with me more than Kent this entire week. Her Text message just proved it.

Me: get dressed, I'm taking you somewhere. You're gonna love it 🥰

Stefani: 👌🏽

Kent wasn't joking when he said she wasn't much of a socializer. She literally typed three things: two letters and an emoji. I still felt accomplished that she's communicating with me whereas with Kent, it's a bunch of slamming doors and grunts. Literally-

I was getting out the shower last night and walked in the living room to hear Kent yelling at Stefani for whatever reason. It was hard trying not to laugh, but for a minute straight, Stefani opened and shut the door to every syllable that came out of Kent's mouth until he gave up getting through to her out of pure frustration.

I'm definitely gonna be the favorite, I can already feel it.

I slip my hand into an oven mitt and pull out the tray of perfectly golden brown breakfast soufflés and set them on top of the stove to cool.

I quickly finished dabbing garlic butter on top of the half dozen and left them to be. I checked the time and decided it was time to rush off and get dressed to host a lovely event to get Stefani out of her gloomy state.

I kind of preferred it when she was spunky with a lot of attitude.

I wasn't entirely sure on what to wear, but a white top with some Capri khakis and Jesus sandals with a pair of shades could never go out of style. I tied my damp hair up in a side bun and blew a kiss in the mirror as I knew damn well I looked stunning.

Checking the time on my watch, I was about to call Stefani but she was at the kitchen counter halfway eating into the breakfast I thought she'd turned down!

Should I be concerned she ate an entire box of cereal not too long ago- but who cares?!

She loves my cooking!

Maybe 'like' is more sensible. I don't want to push my luck anymore than I have already been.

Stefani gulps the last mouthful of food she had and sets the half eaten soufflé back on the tray as she quickly wipes her lips clean of crumbs with a napkin and throws it away.

I noticed she was wearing ripped denim shorts with a blue lifeguard hoodie and a pair of white flip flops.

"Aren't you gonna be hot?" I lowered my sunglasses slightly.

"I don't have a bra, let's calm our tits... Plus, I have a feeling we won't be out for long," she pulls out a pair of shades that were pitch black- so black, I can't even see through them.

"Is there something on my face," she pulls out her phone to check her reflection and I shook my head.

"N-no, your shades are just really dark," I came out with it.

"As long as the product lives up to its name, I got my money's worth," she shrugs and holds the door open for me as I locked it.

I dropped my glasses as I turned around and she kneels to pick them up, "thank you, you didn't hav-...." my hand brushes against hers and I fell silent as my other hand instinctively rests on the center of her back, almost pulling her in closer.

She wasn't being sarcastic, she actually doesn't have anything underneath! Wait- why am I taking note of this?

"Ahem," Stefani clears her throat and averted her eyes to her hands.

My eyes follow along as well and rather taking the glasses from her palm, my fingers are intertwined with hers. I flinched back as I grabbed my glasses from and started walking.

"S-sorry," I mumbled after we exit the building and made way to the parking lot..

"Don't be, we wouldn't want to scuff up a new pair of Chanel," Stefani casually replies.



"Ummm are you gonna unlock the doors?" I found myself sitting alone in my white Range Rover and Stefani is standing outside of my vehicle aggressively knocking on the glass.

"Shit!" I whisper yelled and unlocked the doors as she sits comfortably.

We were driving across town and she remained quiet the entire car ride- she didn't even go in her phone. She just stared out the window looking at buildings.

I'd occasionally look to my side and my eyes would always avert to her toned and smooth legs.

I think I got caught after the last red light because she crossed her legs and turned away from me.

God, why do I keep checking out my fiancé's kid.

I know it's weird living with her, her behavior is unpredictable- I just. I don't know. I want to understand her and prove her wrong with the way she sees me. As far as I'm concerned, she's just doing a countdown in that head of hers until I give up and leave.

Well- I'm not.


AN: I can't sleep and I like this book😭 it's easy on the mind... details are great, personalities are spot on. It's a slow burn kind of love story.


I'll read along w you guys when I publish new updates💀

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