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Lillian's pov

Oh my god...

Oh my god!

Oh.. my god.

i slapped him during his meeting and then completely ran him into the ground!

I wasn't supposed to do that- not yet at least.

Matter of fact, I wasn't supposed to do anything at all. If I had just kept my cool-

No, absolutely not. It's one thing to say something that fucked up behind closed doors but out in the open for any and everyone to hear?

God, where is he?

Just thinking about what he did makes me want to slap him again.

But does this mean I'm abusive- oh god, everyone is going to think I'm a man beater. I think I need air...

Oh but the way Stefani handled things, I could say how dreamy she was on the way she professionally she stepped in. I feel embarrassed for doing that to kent let alone myself. But he left me no choice. He was already in a mood when I got there which put me in a mood and I did not appreciate his tone with Stefani, never did.

"Lillian," Kent's voice brought back my focus.

My hand print is still on his face, I feel bad...

"I'm sorry honey," I pouted and cupped his face.

Even when I call him that, knowing that it's from my lips and that I currently feel nothing towards him anymore... it doesn't even sit right with me.

Oh the urge to hit him again.

"No, stop apologizing. Never once have you done anything wrong," he looked me in my eyes.

Stefani already established that, thank you very much. All it took for you was public humiliation of your masculinity and she openly acknowledged it long ago.

Almost like every word irritates me whenever he says anything. But I need to play nice with him- god how does Stefani do this?

"There was that one time I snooped around Stefani's laptop- well, you know how that went. I'm not that picture perfect," I shrugged helplessly and he took both of my hands and kissed them.

I'm gonna bleach everything from the wrist down. He's twisted and sick.

"I have never met a woman that's as courageous as you and what you did.. no one's ever slapped some sense into me," he explained.

"Cant talk sense into you unless it made sense to you," I scoffed bitterly recalling what he said- he's such an ass.

"I can see a bit of Stefani has rubbed off on you," he nervously chuckled.

"I can see why," I gave him the side eye and he sighs in defeat.

"How can I make this right? No excuses, I don't have any excuses for this one," we were still in the conference room.

"By treating us right? Come on kent, you should know better by now," I shrugged.

"How did we get like this? What led to us being like this," he shook his head and stared into his own hands.

"Being a married couple has as many rough patches as it does good times- then again, we aren't married," I sighed.

Of course I would know about marriages... this isn't my first one.

I literally just dropped everything thinking I'd be living some type of romance series with kent. But odd enough, I am... I fell for this man's daughter. My life has been nothing more adventurous ever since I got involved with him, for better or for worse, I have no regrets.

"Well, let's get married. I know this morning was a very bad morning. I shouldn't have gotten irritated with you running late but I meant what I said when you slapped me. I'm moving up the wedding date and I'm announcing it tonight," he plainly said.

I was blinking hysterically I was so shocked by this outcome. But I know this is the outcome me and Stefani need.

My phone rings abruptly and I excuse myself as kent continues to gather his things at his conference table.

"Mother?!" I was almost surprised.

"Hello darling!" She practically squealed- she shouldn't be this excited considering her age and health. Her blood pressure.

"H-how are you? How's dad?" I got into the conversation and I know for a fact kent was listening.

"I just wanted to check in on you- we haven't talked in so long ever since you met that handsome man last year. It's the holidays and all, I would love it if you two and his daughter were to come and visit during Christmas..." she explained.

"Yes ma'am, I think it would be nice for the family to meet him and his daughter," I agreed subtly.

"Besides, if you say his intentions are as true as gold, marrying you without my blessing would taint the image you'd describe him. And yes, I'm pushing that he comes over for the holidays for Christmas so we can see this man for ourselves," she went straight for the smoking gun.

"We'll be there tomorrow," kent jumped in.

"I- kent!" I whisper yelled.

"Lovely," my mother replied and hung up before I could have a say.

"Kent, it's the holidays. Flights are booked, it'll be nearly impossible to-

"I want to and we're going to," he cut me off..

"Fine, just so you know, my family are going to be judging. There's no point in trying to hide that," I sighed.

"I'll be on best behavior," I saw a gleam of sparkle in his eye.

It's not him I'm worried about...

"Kent, not now," I sighed. "Right now, we have a Christmas charity ball to get dressed for and it'll take a miracle to get Stefani to agree with coming along. She handled the conference well, but knowing her, she's beyond pissed for you to pull that card," I reasoned.

"Y-you're right, I'll go-

"I'm going to talk to her. You've said enough. Knowing her, do you really think you stand a chance on getting through to her?" I pointed the obvious.

"What makes you say that?" He crossed his arms and gave me his full attention.

"If you're going to say, after all she's tolerated from you and that she'll be fine, you're even more wrong than what you said earlier. One, you threw her fish out the window without any hesitation. Two, you are constantly nagging her. And three, look at how you treated her in public. Kent, let me go talk to her because I don't see how you stand a chance on making this right in less than two hours. At least give me a few hours to convince her to play nice for a few more and a family vacation," I sat down overwhelmed with these two.

"Y-you're right again, I'm sorry if I came off as doubting you... I'll leave you to it," he softly spoke.

Jesus Christ.

AN: short update, but that's why I'm doing double!!

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