The staff

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-Lance POV-

(1 year old)

Out in the cold, I didn't know what was happening. I didn't hear anything happening around me, and my blanket was gone. I looked around cluelessly, but it was the dead of night, I only saw one thing, a big glowing stick in the hand of a statue with a long beard. Being a baby, I liked glowing things. I crawled over to it and climbed onto the pedestal. I grabbed it and giggled as it started to glow brightly. It shrunk down to be a suitable size for my body. Suddenly I was put to sleep by some force. When I woke up I heard an old mans voice, it didn't introduce itself, but the name of its owner just appeared in my head. The voice calmed me, it made me feel like I was right where I needed to be. It told me tales of its life that, despite young age, I would never forget.

I listened to him speak for what felt like days, and I loved every second of it. I learned what every word meant as he spoke it, it was like, he instilled knowledge into me without even trying. Eventually the dream ended as I heard a woman's scream, luckily he had finished his tales. I woke with a jolt and looked around. I saw a woman I recognized as my mother hunched over my father who seemed to be sleeping in the road, but he was surrounded by a red substance. My mother was crying and soon people rushed out of their homes to help. I didn't know what was going on so I just watched as I clutched my new stick tightly. Soon one of the villagers noticed me and went to pick me up. I didn't know who they were so I waved my stick at them. They were pushed back by an invisible force. Suddenly the attention of all, but my mother, was taken away from my sleeping father.

Everyone was in awe, but that only served to scare me even further. Every time they would get close they would be pushed away. After a bit I heard a man speak. "My god, look at the statue, Merlins staff is gone. The boy must have found a relic!" He proclaimed in awe. The crowd agreed before trying to steal my stick.

After a few more minutes of this my mother cut in and gently picked me up. My heart was racing and I was sweating. She turned to the crowd with a fierce glare. "Have you no shame? His father just died and you're sitting here fighting over a relic? What is wrong with you?" She asked angrily.

Suddenly the crowd went silent, a man, who I remember was close with my father, stepped forward. "You're right, I apologize Miss Chusi, we let our greed get the better of us." He turned to the crowd. "People, let us bury our fallen keeper of tales." They all nodded and carried him away.

My mother looked down at me sadly. "I guess it's just me and you, my little warlock." She said sadly, doing her best not to cry so I wouldn't cry either. She had silky platinum blonde hair, dark green eyes, and fair skin. He wore normal peasant clothes.

I had no idea what was happening so I just started playing with her hair. She took me home and put me to sleep.

-Time Skip-

(13 years)

I woke up in bed with my staff in my hand, over the years it had changed to fit me better. It was always a foot taller than me, unless I wanted to it be smaller for easier storage, in which case it shrunk to the size of a pencil. It's shape had changed quite a bit too, instead of being the staff from the tales of Merlin, it was now perfectly straight and balanced, on the end of the staff was a hook. It was like a shepherds crook, but it was angled instead of rounded. I recently started learning how to fight with it, I used merlins tales as a guide, but I had to teach myself a lot of it too. The most I could do with the staff was push things and people away, as I didn't have the materials to restore it to its original power, but I would get them in time.

I went outside to the river beside our cottage and washed up, before going inside and getting dressed for the day. My clothes were made out of animal hides, mainly deer hides.

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