The War Rages On

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-Lance POV-

It'd been a day since the mission. Charlotte had been hanging around me a lot since then. Helena was still disappointed that she wasn't allowed to go, but she wasn't mad. I'd changed back into my suit and washed off all the face paint. I had my new armor on over the top of my suit.

I was sitting in one of the guard towers with Helena and Charlotte. I had bow in my hand and I was watching for Spartans. Helena was reading a book and Twirling her sword in her off hand. Charlotte was cleaning and sharpening her daggers.

I kept my eyes forward. "So, what did they say about the plans?" I asked.

Charlotte spoke up. "We don't know what the Spartans will do now, but we're planning an attack now that we know more about the Spartan camp." She said.

I nodded. "We need to lock down the coasts." I said before pulling out an apple and taking a bite.

Charlotte was a little confused. "Why?" She asked with furrowed brows as she cleaned her daggers.

I glanced at her and swallowed my food. "If the Spartans can build a fort overnight, how fast do you think they can build boats? For all we know, they already have boats ready to go. It sounds like general Leon has been planning this for a long time, he could have boats ready to go." I said before taking another bite.

Both their eyes widened and Helena spoke up as she stopped spinning her sword. "Charlotte, take over watch duty, we need to go talk to my father and uncle Agata." She said.

Charlotte nodded. "Sure." She said.

I shrugged and handed her the bow. "Ok, see you later Cha." I said before we left and went to city hall, which I'd started calling HQ.

I followed Helena into the war room. "This is my grandfather, Perseus. Grandpa, Lance just brought up a point that I think you might want to hear." She said.

Her grandpa looked up from the map of the city. "What is it?" He asked.

He was an older man with short grey hair and a clean shaven faces. He looked like an older male version of Helena, but with way more muscle. His armor was maid out of high grade steal and was decorated like Helena's, but there were owl heads on both sides of his helmet and he had a light blue cape.

I straightened up and stepped forward. "Sir, what if the Spartans have boats? They built an entire fortress in a single night, I don't think it would take them too long to build boats." I said.

His eyes widened. "I can't believe we didn't think of that, we need to set up a shore guard immediately and build walls." He said.

I nodded. "One more thing, if there is a sewer system, I wouldn't put it past Spartans to trudge through them to penetrate our defenses. We should seal them until this is all over." I said.

He nodded. "That's a good point... what made you think of this?" He asked.

I pulled out my spear and pointed at the spearhead. "This is the spearhead of Leonidas. It gives me the tactical mind of one of the greatest Spartan kings, so I subconsciously examine everything and find flaws." I said.

He nodded. "That could be a major asset. Would you mind if I ran our plan of attack by you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Not at all, I'd be happy to help in anyway I can." I said.

He nodded. "Good man. We plan to split the army into three groups and send one group to each of their gates." He said.

I nodded. "Could you send someone to fetch Charlotte and take over her post? I need her help for this one." I asked.

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