The Plan

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-Lance POV-

I went and found my squad who were luckily with Astrid in the dining area. I walked by their table. "Follow me, Astrid you too." I said, heading straight for the gate.

They were confused, but followed me. I led them to the edge of the field. I put my hands on the ground and a huge wall rose and separated the Persian base from the rest of the island.

I turned to them and spoke before they could. "We have one month to prepare for the final battle. Over this month we all have important jobs. Agis, you will be sneaking into the Persian camp and convincing the Spartan civilians to leave. If they refuse to listen, kidnap them, we need them out of the way." I said.

He nodded. "How will I get in?" He asked.

I stomped and a hole formed in the ground. "This tunnel goes directly to the fortress, the exit is under a bush along the far wall. I trust you won't get caught." I said.

He nodded. "I won't, but if I do, I expect you to walk in and take me back like you did Charlotte." He said, joking about the last part.

I nodded. "It won't be as clean, but I will." I said.

I turned to Helena and Astrid. "All we have to do is get stronger. I'll be helping you both in that process, I'll talk to you both in private later." I said.

They both nodded and Astrid spoke. "Ok." She said simply.

I cracked my neck and relaxed. "Now that that's out of the way. Agis, Helena, what do you two have planned for after this is over?" I asked as we started walking back.

Agis shrugged. "No clue, but I'm done with war." He said.

Helena spoke next. "Yah, I don't know either, honestly I was thinking about leaving Atlantis for a while."

I nodded. "Why don't you come with me?" I asked.

Agis nodded. "I'm in, it'll be nice to get a change of scenery." He said without a second thought.

I nodded and smiled. "Awesome." I said.

Helena thought for a bit longer than he did. "I'll come too, as long as we can visit Atlantis." She said.

I nodded. "Of course, we didn't fight this hard just to abandon Atlantis." I said.

She smiled. "Good." She said.

On the way back we talked about random things. Once we got there I immediately went to my tent and fell asleep.

I woke up to find Agis once again exercising. I groaned and went to get breakfast.

I yawned and filled up a plate before thanking the chefs. I sat down and ate silently. As soon as I finished eating I was summoned to the war room. I yawned and walked in to find mom, Morgana, Jarl Thorin, and General Agata.

I froze. "Why is my mother in an active war zone?" I asked.

Mom ran over and hugged me. "As soon as I heard I forced them to bring me over, also I wanted to be here for this." She said.

I hugged her back. "Ok, but you have to go back before it starts." I said.

She nodded. "I'm going to." She said.

"Ok, now what's going on here?" I asked.

The Jarl smiled. "Well, my boy, we've decided to promote you to general. After talking to the soldiers, we decided it would be the most fitting reward for your deeds during this war." He said.

The General nodded. "Now, you won't be paid and you won't have your own army. It's more of an honorary title that will be bestowed upon you due to the courage, loyalty, heroism, strength, and prowess you've displayed during this war. You will be respected by all who know of this war. Now, we need your armor, so we can modify it to fit your new rank." He said.

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