The Storm Clouds

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-Lance POV-

After we'd talked for a few hours, Astrid went to find her dad and mom joined her. I was left alone on the rooftop. I laid back and looked up at the storm clouds forming overhead.

I smiled as I thought about the sound of the rain hitting the ground and thunder rolling. "I wonder what you were really like? Were you really what mom says you were? Or were you different? Maybe you kept a journal..." I mused to myself.

Lightning struck way off in the distance, in the direction of Sparta. I started counting in my head. I got to thirty before I heard the thunder. It happened again, and it was in the same place. I counted again and got the same result. Then it happened again, I thought it was weird, but I didn't think it meant anything. Then it happened three more times in the same spot. That wasn't normal.

I jumped down and went to find Astrid. I found her talking with her dad in the main part of city hall.

I furrowed my brow. "It's not you?..." I mumbled.

She was confused. "What wasn't me?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Nothing, never mind." I said before walking away, confusion plastered on my face.

Once I was outside again I started hearing it again. "This isn't natural, but it isn't getting any closer..." I mumbled.

I launched myself on top of city hall, then stared at where the lightning was striking. I pushed magic into my eyes, there was a huge magic source in the distance, but it was hard to see, it was almost see through.

My eyes widened in realization as I felt the aura, it's was so far, but it still felt just as powerful as Poseidon, it almost seemed to be nodding at me. "It's so strong I can tell it's dominant domain from here..." My musing was interrupted.

"Are you ok?" I heard Astrid ask, concern clear in her voice. I turned to see Astrid standing there with a concerned look.

I nodded. "I'm fine. Something's just off about that lightning." I said as it struck again.

She saw it. "Oh, there is lightning. I didn't even here the thunder." She said.

The thunder rang out again, it sounded like it was right overhead to me. "You can't hear it?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No... Are you sure you're ok?" She asked.

'Am I being summoned or something?' I thought to myself. I calmed myself down and returned to my normal composure. "I'm positive. I just remembered I have to check on something I left in Sparta." I said.

She nodded. "Ok... do you want me to come with you?" She asked.

I shook my head and smiled. "No, I'll be fine on my own. Tell Helena I'll find her later. You should try to be friends with her, you two would get along great, she's a lot like you." I said.

She nodded. "I'll think about it. I'll see you later." She said.

I nodded. "Bye." I launched myself towards Sparta, and into the water.

I felt a little bit of electricity in the water as I swam and boosted myself. 'Usually Poseidon would be boosting me by now...' I thought to myself.

As I got closer to Sparta my limbs started twitching as the lightning struck. I got onto the blackberry covered island as soon as I could. My entire body was twitching, I waited until it stopped before I went to the other side of the island. The aura around Sparta was incredibly immense. I was only able to barely stand because I was so used to Poseidon's aura of power.

The first thing I noticed was the center island, the tallest Spartan peak had shrunken to become the shortest and I could see all thirteen of the other islands. I blinked and when I opened my eyes I was on the center island.

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