The Final Battle

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-Lance POV-

I woke up, but I didn't hear the usual grunts. I looked around to see Agis wasn't in the tent. I got up and left the tent to find almost no one, there were only the guards on watch duty. I didn't want to disturb them, so I made my way into city hall.

I found everyone gathered in city hall, standing at attention. General Agata and the Jarl were waiting at the opposite end of the building. The Jarl motioned me forwards so I made my way over to them, confusion clear on my face. I kneeled in front of them.

The Jarl spoke first, he spoke loud enough for all to hear. "Lance Chusi-Katz, we are gathered here to officially award you the rank of general and the title of 'The Wandering General'. Do you accept?" He spoke seriously.

I nodded. "I do, Jarl." I said.

Then the General spoke as a chest was carried in behind him. "Then rise and don your new armor, the armor of The Wandering General!" He said just as seriously as the Jarl.

I stood as the soldiers who carried the chest in opened it to reveal my armor, but it was different. On the top of the helmet was a black plume, and on the side were roaring lion heads. The breastplate now had fur patterns down the front. The leather tassels over the tunic were now completely black with golden studs. The tunic itself was black with golden Greek designs along the bottom. The greaves were completely black and had the same pattern as the breastplate. There was also a black cape made from a lion hide that was dyed black. I put it on over my suit like usual and turned back to the two military leaders.

The Jarl spoke again. "Address your comrades." He said simply, but seriously. General Agata nodded.

I turned to the other soldiers. My squad was at the front of the mass of gathered soldiers.

I scanned them all, and took a second to think before speaking. "You are not my comrades, you are my brothers and sisters. You all have saved my life many times, and I like to think I've saved yours as well. We've trained together, we've feasted together, we've lived together, but most importantly we've fought together and formed bonds beyond that of comrades. I may not openly show it, but I respect and trust you all. I've learned each and every one of your names by heart, and when we lose a sibling, I grieve. Tonight, I want to celebrate the end of this war, so I want you all to come out of this alive and celebrate with me!" I yelled seriously, making sure they could all hear me, including the men and women on guard duty. They all cheered in agreement.

I waited for them to calm down before continuing. "That being said, I have something to ask of you, all of you. When this battle begins, abandon your pride! If your armor breaks, take more from a fallen enemy! If your weapon breaks, take one from a fallen enemy! I understand that it might be hard for some of you, but for the sakes of your family, your life, and me, you must survive this. Today, and only today, we fight like devils! We will carve this day into time itself as the battle- no, the slaughter of devils! Because calling it a battle insinuates they had a chance!" I yelled seriously, they all cheered once again.

General and Jarl spoke in unison once the cheers calmed down. "Prepare for battle!" Everyone except my squad rushed out.

I nodded to them and we walked out. We made our way to the battlefield three minutes before the others.

"Everyone behind me. Astrid, Helena, once it's lowered, attack." I said and they lined up behind me.

I lowered the wall, creating a huge cloud of dusts. I took advantage of the dust and used almost all of my power to let out a huge push that knocked over all the barriers on the actual field, tore all the grass off the ground, and knocked over a small part of the wall. Astrid went next and sent a massive wave of earth that almost knocked over the bow reinforced fortress wall. Then Helena pulled water from the ocean and hit it with a powerful wave, finally knocking it over. At that moment the rest of the army emerged from the edge of the city and started charging.

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