Leaving Atlantis

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-Lance POV-

I woke up in a large bed with my staff in my hand as usual. I was in a state of drowsiness and I wasn't even sure where I was. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes.

I looked around, but froze when I saw General Perseus' body a few feet away from the bed. My eyes widened as it turned into my fathers for a split second. I went to jump off the bed and went to see if he was alive, but the floor disappeared from underneath me. I fell for a few minutes then landed on my feet, surrounded by the sounds of battle. I started fighting alongside my allies against the Spartans and Persian.

I soon noticed something was off. Instead of General Agata leading the charge, it was General Perseus. I could see his wounds from when he died, and it wasn't just him. I could see fatal wounds on everyone around me. Then I felt something trickling down my neck, so I reached up and touched my neck. I felt an open wound. I started to panic and when I tried to yell I couldn't. I looked around only to see a spear about to bury itself in my head.

I jolted awake with a shout in a cold sweat and sat up. I put my hand to my throat and started gasping for air. After a minute I calmed my breathing. I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes.

"Lance, are you ok?" I heard Agis ask.

I looked up to see that I was in the drivers seat of my wagon and the sun hadn't even risen yet. I saw Agis exercising a few feet away. My horses were being fed and watered by an Athenian soldier a few yards away. My spear was right beside me, my staff was still in my boot, and my sword was on my waist.

I nodded slowly. "I'm fine, just a bad dream." I said before climbing in the back and getting some sweets for breakfast.

I heard him respond as he did his push-ups. "Are you sure?" He asked.

I jumped out of the back and nodded. "I'm positive. Are you ready to leave Atlantis?" I asked, changing the topic.

He nodded, not stopping his exercise. "Yep, I love this city, but too much of something can make it boring." He said.

I chuckled. "I get that. While we're alone, have you ever heard of a wishing well anywhere around Atlantis?" I asked curiously as I put my spear on my back.

He shook his head as he switched to sit ups. "No, but I've never been that into rumors. I'd ask charlotte if I were you, she's always been one for rumors." He said.

I nodded. "Ok, I will when she wakes up." I said before I started eating.

He nodded. "Ok. How do you stay in such good shape? I have never once seen you exercise." He said curiously.

I shrugged. "No clue, I guess I'm just a different breed." I said.

He chuckled. "Maybe. It's hard to believe you're really only fourteen." He said.

I chuckled. "It won't be for long, now that this is all over. I won't have to be serious all the time." I said.

He nodded. "Yah, I mean, I had no idea that you have a sweet tooth." He said.

I nodded. "I love sweet foods." I said.

He chuckled. "I could tell." He said as he kept at it.

I stretched. "I'm gonna go get ready to leave, there's a few things we're gonna need. I'll be back in a bit." I said as I started hooking the horses to my wagon.

He nodded. "See ya!" He said.

I drove out of the fortress and made my way to a general supply shop. Luckily it had just opened. I grabbed two coin purses and went inside. I bought an axe for cutting wood, a new dagger for hunting, a butchers cleaver, a fishing pole, and enough bedding for five people. I also bought sewing supplies and sharp scissors. I gave them the two coin purses then moved on.

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