Interview #6 | sarsar14

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For our sixth interview, I must introduce @sarsar14. This girl doesn't limit herself to any one genre. Instead, she seems to be making the most of many! Currently, she is re-writing her fantasy novel "The Deliverer's Destiny" and her Teen Fiction, "The Dating Pact" is in the works. If you're more interested in the short story-type, check out her tragic trio of"Haunted", "Six Words" and "Without a Cry".

        It doesn't stop there though! She still has her stories "A Life Unwanted", her sequel to "The Deliverer's Destiny", which is called "The Son's Sacrifice", and "The Things Every Writer Needs to Hear", an encouragement book for anyone who needs a little extra push. Keep your eyes open for her next story coming out, "The Fate of Morrocan" and, please, enjoy what she has to say.

How did you find Wattpad?

Well, I had been told about it by quite a few people, and I decided to check it out. Not a really long story there... XD

What is your opinion of the site?

It's a really neat idea. I love how I can communicate with other writers around the world. I've made a lot of friends, read a lot of good books, and created a few of my own stories all thanks to Wattpad. I love it.

What do you think of the community/people on Wattpad?

I've met a lot of nice people on here. I can easily chat on the threads or on PM with people I have never met (which is weird and awesome at the same time). I find that mostly everyone is really nice and love helping others out with their books. Others irk me. A few people just... yeah, irk me. They are quick to lash out when you meant absolutely no harm, and some ask for help and then get mad when you try. I try to steer clear of those people, but I find that those people are few. Everyone else is friendly, helpful, and yeah. I wouldn't go as far to say that it's a family, but it's close. Does that make sense? *shrugs*

Do you think ambassadors are communicating with users enough?

No. I have never had an ambassador talk to me at all. I'd love to strike up a conversation with one of them. I'm they'd have lots of good advice for us young writers. But they NEVER TALK TO US!!!! unless its to tell us that the thread is done or that we're doing something wrong... sigh. Any ambassadors reading this? We'd like your advice. We really would.

Have you used the suggestion/support section on Wattpad before?

Nah, not really. Isn't that where you report bugs and stuff? And I don't have suggestions for Wattpad really. Unless it's to tell them to stop messing with my newsfeed, but that's another topic.

What happened with your newsfeed?

It glitches sometimes. Sometimes doesn't even show up at all, and then poof! I see stuff from a month ago. Kinda annoying...

What do you think of fanfiction?

It's okay. I don't really read it because there's a lot of 1D and Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games and stuff like that. Lots of fanfictions are popular just because they have Harry Styles or some other celeb in them. I can tell you now, I am NOT a 1D fan. Nope.

Some fanfics are well done, though. We have to realize that they aren't all the same. There are some good ones out there, so don't be judging a book by its genre.

Have you had any other technical issues on the site other than the newsfeed problem?

Yeeeeah a few. One time a friend couldn't read the messages I was sending her because of some glitch. Notifications don't show up, newsfeed doesn't, that sort of thing. Then there's maintenance... like, what do they do during maintenance besides drive me crazy because I was in the middle of writing or messaging someone?

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