Interview #13 | Elpis0

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For the next interviewee, I present to you @Elpis0! They have a wide variety of fanfiction stories on their account, including "Xenoblade Chronicles: The Novelization". If you are a big Doctor Who fan, however, "Coming from a different universe" or "An alien in a blue box" might be more your speed.

There are even more books besides those three! They have a compilation of contest entries in their story "Participant Sixteen (01010)", a fantasy novel (Xepher: A Tale of a Forgotten Past), and even a rant book! Feel free to check those out.

How did you find Wattpad?

My sister had an account for a few months and eventually she convinced me to get one too.

What do you think of the community/people on Wattpad?

I think the community is fairly good. It's hard to get your books out there at first, but I think that might be the case with most people starting out.

Do you think ambassadors communicate with users well?

I think they do, They might not respond to you right away, they do have lives off of Wattpad. Out of the few times I've communicated with them, I felt like they've answered my questions.

Have you ever used the support/suggestions section on Wattpad and, if that's the case, did you receive good support?

Yeah, for the most part I receive good support, my tickets get answered during the hours when its open (which is better than I can say of other websites). The problem I've found is finding the way to send the support tickets for problems. If Wattpad knows about a similar problem, you have to go through a lot of clicking just to report it. In a way, it could be easier.

What is your opinion on the ever controversial topic of fanfiction?

I don't have a problem with fanfiction. Its a story just like any other and there is good and bad in it like other genres. I've found its harder to read if you don't immediately know the fandom though.

What clubs are you in, if any at all, and what do you like about them?

I'm in the cafe, Improve your writing, Sci-fi, Fantasy, and The Pub. I don't post often in the cafe, but there are times when I do find the topics interesting. Improve your writing is what I use to improve. Sci-fi and Fantasy are my two primary genres that I read. The pub is basically a smaller and slower version of the cafe where you can have more serious conversations. (You might be aware that the Pub no longer exists on Wattpad.)

What's your favourite work by another user and what do you like about it?

I like Triforce of Essence. Its a fanfiction, but its really well done. I liked Psych Investigation Episodes too, but the books are no longer on Wattpad sadly.

What work that you have created yourself are you most proud of. Why?

I'm proud of my book Xenoblade Chronicles: The Novelization, its probably the one book that I have a really good plan for. Everything is going well so far.

What inspired you to start writing?

I wanted to get the ideas in my head out, and to share them with people.

How long have you been seriously writing for?

Since 9th grade. I've written stuff in the past, but it was mostly for school. I've just recently started to share it.

Do you most often read or write on Wattpad?

Initially, I started using it for writing, but lately I've been doing more reading.

About how often do you go on Wattpad?

I try to go on at least once a day. If I have time, I go on more.

What genres of writing are your favourite?

Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Fanfiction.

What qualities in a story are important to you?

I like well developed characters, and an engaging storyline. Grammar and spelling are important too.

In which areas do you believe Wattpad could improve?

They could improve a lot with their communication. Lately when it Wattpad implements changes, they don't seem to listen to user feedback and just end up doing their own thing. Although with one of the recent threads in the club, I have learned they do listen to the feedback, I just wish they would more publicly do so.

Rate your level of enjoyment on Wattpad from one to ten.

6/10 I know I said positive things about Wattpad before, but some things have happened that I'm not happy with. Its still probably the best writing site for you to be discovered on, and if you're a normal user, there really shouldn't be any problems for you.

That concludes the interview from @Elpis0. Do you agree? Disagree? Don't tell me in the comments below, but you can express your thoughts in another interview. Thanks so much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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