Interview #12 | KaraB13

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Hey there lovely readers. For the latest interview, we have @KaraB13. This Wattpad user has two stories uploaded to Wattpad at the moment. Her first is the teen fiction "Who Am I?" featuring a girl who doesn't quite know who she is (hence the title). The latter is her short story "How He Changed My Spring Break" for #JustWriteIt. 

        Since I've told you a little about her, let us move on. I hope you enjoy her interview.

How did you find Wattpad?

I was just going through the app store on my phone, trying to find something to do. Then, after scrolling and scrolling through tons of stuff, I found Wattpad. Since that day I have been addicted.

What do you think of the site in general?

It's amazing!

What do you think of the people/community on Wattpad?

I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question....... I'm not much of a people person. But, um, I guess everyone's nice?

Do you think that ambassadors communicate with users enough?

Well, um, I've never communicated with an ambassador... so, no.

Have you ever used the support/suggestions section on Wattpad and, if so, did you get good support there?

Never used it.

What do you think of fanfiction?

Fanfiction is okay, I guess.... I'm not the biggest fan of it though. Sometimes it gets annoying because it's like all over the place, and it kind of seems like it has taken over Wattpad. Often, I can't find anything good to read that isn't fanfiction.

Have you experienced any technical issues on the site and, if that's the case, what were they?

No technical issues for me :D

Which clubs are you in, if any, and what do you like about them?

I'm a member of The Cafe and Multimedia Designs. I like The Cafe just because I get bored a lot, so I can talk to people whenever I do get bored or when I just have nothing better to do with my life. With Multimedia Designs, it's kind of the same reason. I get bored a lot, and have nothing to do, so I like it because I can try making covers for some random person's book (which I'm terrible at doing). Or I can find people to make covers for my book.

What is your favourite work by another user? What do you like about it?

I can't ever really pick a favorite, there's just so many to choose from. But a few of my favorites would have to be, The Teddy Bear Agreement by @thepurplerose, Post It by @BelWatson, and My Wattpad Love by @cold_lady19. I think I mostly like them just because I've never read anything similar to them, and because of the characters.

What work that you created yourself are you most proud of and what is the reason for that?

Well, I only have one work, and I'm not very proud of it. It's called "Who Am I?", and I plan on trying to make it better, but right now it's kind of just terrible. (Since the time of when this interview took place, @KaraB13 has released another short story.)

Do you usually read more often or write on this site?


What inspired you to write?

My boredom :P

About how often do you usually go on Wattpad?

Every day

What are your absolute favourite genres of writing?

My absolute favourite would have to be classics.

What story qualities are valuable to you as a reader?

Good plot, grammar, and originality.

Have you ever had difficulties with another user before?


Is there a specific feature on Wattpad that you would recommend to others to take advantage of?

Not really

What do you think that Wattpad could improve?

Um, I guess there are a few things that could be improved. For example, it would be nice to be able to use the clubs when I'm using the app on my phone. Also, they could fix the notifications on the app. It always says that I have like 99+ notifications, but there won't actually be anything there, and it's getting kind of annoying.

Rate your level of enjoyment on Wattpad from one-ten. One being awful and ten being the best website you've ever been on.


Is there anything else you would like to add about yourself or anything linking to Wattpad?

Um....... I like turtles? :)

That's it from @KaraB13. I hope that you'll consider checking out some of the works that she mentioned and that you overal enjoyed the interview. Remember, if you want an interview, it's never too late to ask as long as this project is ongoing. Thanks for reading!

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