Interview #5 | Rockinraptor2

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Hello to my lovely readers! Before we jump into @Rockinraptor2's interview, let me tell you a little bit about her. She rocks the non-fiction genre, first of all, with her two books "My Thoughts on Life" and "Conversations with my sister". It doesn't stop there, though. She also has another book (totally fictional) called "Best Friends Forever", a very relatable story. If you find the time, why not stop on by and see what it's all about?

How did you find Wattpad?

It's a really odd story. So when I was about 13, I was always reading books and complained to my dad to take me to Barnes & Nobles. He said why can't I read from his iPhone and I said he didn't even have any books. He later said he would find an app where I can read for free because my reading habit was expensive. One afternoon he came up to me and showed the wattpad app. I created the account but because I wanted to read published books, I left the account. One or two years ago before leaving on vacation, I decided to check on the website again. I logged into my account changed the name and found an interesting book. The rest is history

What is your opinion of the site?

Overall it's been okay though I feel that they are a bit bias and are changing too fast

What do you think of the community/people on Wattpad?

Well I have an interesting view since only recently have I participated in them. The community is very divided when it comes to opinions as in very Black or White like I can't be neutral, I have to choose a side. However they are really supportive when it comes to their favorite author which I witnessed when a well-known was threatened with suspension which his followers posted on their board and his board support for him

Do you think that the ambassadors communicate with users well?

I understand both sides when it comes to this debate. Imagine that you are constantly being asked questions and favors that you have little to no knowledge/power. That's how it is for ambassadors. I want everyone to get along but they need to know that ambassadors are people too so they might not always reply instantly. However ambassadors need to try to be more open-minded and understand the user's logic.

Have you ever put the suggestions/support part of Wattpad to use?

If I remember correctly I tried to a year ago but I didn't hear back. So for the sake of the question I'm going to say no

What are your thoughts on fanfiction?

It may come as a suprise but I'm actually a supporter of fanfics. If you had asked me this June 2014 I would be against it. However in July while seeing fan art for an anime I was introduced to by my sister, who kept on insisting I watch it, I saw a mystery description for a fanfic for it and it was the funniest thing I read. Ever since then I've been a supporter for them. However that does not mean I'm a supporter for JB fics or 1D sex slave/abusive fanfics or any other controversial topics

Have you ever experienced any technical issues on Wattpad and, if so, what were they?

Recently I've been experiencing problems with the notification which shows that I have like 55 but when I check it, there's only two. Another problem is when I try to see comments, it only loads a few and if I want to see more it shows a loading symbol but never loads

Are you in any clubs and, if that's the case, which ones?

Well I'm not actually in a club or at least I don't think so since I posted a thread on here in the cafe and that's about it

What is your favourite work by another user on Wattpad and why do you like it?

My favorite work would have to be either Haters gonna Hate by Parogar (Haters gonna Hate has recently been removed from Wattpad due to the expulsion of Parogar from Wattpad so that's the reason why you can't find it if you look for it now) or The Typical Dumb Fan Fic Moments by Ginawriter. HGH is a really controversial rant book but that's why I like it because he doesn't hold back on voicing his opinion but knows where to draw the line. In The Typical Dumb Fan Fic Moments, it basically lists the most cliché moments in books, not just fan fics, and makes me laugh at how true they all are

What work that you've created are you most proud of and why?

I can't choose because I'm proud of all my books. I mean yeah there are some that have more reads while others are more creative but in all honesty I love all my books equally.

Do you most often read or write on this site?

I mostly read using the app though I also use it to write. Like 80% reading and 20% writing

How often do you usually go on Wattpad?

Everyday usually periodic since I like to take breaks from reading and visit other sites I enjoy like DeviantArt or YouTube

What are your favourite genres of writing?

My favorite would have to be either Mystery, Sci-fi, or Teen fiction

What qualities in a story are valuable to you?

A story that has plot twists, good grammar and spelling, and has realism in both reactions and timing are qualities that are valuable to me

Have you ever had difficulties with another user on Wattpad?

Luckily no I haven't though one almost did occur because a user misread a comment on a thread where I complained about the lack of originality on this website. I immediately explained and apologized for offending her

Is there a specific feature on Wattpad that you would recommend others take advantage of?

As of now I don't know a specific advantage. However I do recommend them to talk a lot here on Wattpad either in comments or clubs so that they can meet others and get more reads. I'm not saying to advertise yourself but to actually try to talk to others here whether it be a reply or a conversation on cartoons, writing, or etc

In what ways do you believe Wattpad could improve?

As of now, I need them to fix the notification because I'm missing a lot of updates. Also I would like them to add a feature where I could make a reading list private.

Rate your level of enjoyment on Wattpad from 1-10. One being horrible and ten being the most amazing site that you have been on.

 As of now I'm going with 8 out of 10 only because I don't usually have problems but the notification is bugging me

If you're interested in learning more about what @Rockinrapter2 has to say, go find "My Thoughts on Life" and she'll stock you with a book full of things about herself. If you're looking for some new books to read, why not try something she recommended? "The Typical Dumb Fan Fic Moments" is waiting for you.

        That being said, the interview has been concluded today. Bye for now!

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