Interview #2 | PlainLo/KitColfort

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To avoid confusion of the interviewee's identity, @PlainLo and @KitColfort are the same person. @PlainLo lost her account so the latter is her new one. I'll give a brief blurb for each account.

        Both accounts are an active part of many discussions in clubs that you may have seen around. Also, @PlainLo is the author of her completed fanfiction, "One Million", of which she is considering a sequel, and her  project in the works, "The Great Escape". 

        @KitColfort is a new account to replace the old one. Right now she has the Maze Runner fanfiction "Prisoners ; Newt" and "A Letter to You" which is a sweet letter (obviously) to her "best friend", @omqmendes. Expect more from her in the future and, please, listen and enjoy what she has to share with us.

        (By the way, it seems that @PlainLo has recovered her account but @KitColfort still exists.)

How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad through internet search, I was just looking for a place to read stories.

What do you think of the site?

The site itself is great with a wonderful concept. Of all the writing websites I've tried, Wattpad has been the one I've come back too. However, it can be frustrating. The site is great, but it needs a lot of changes.

What do you think of the Wattpad community?

Needs a lot of work sadly. Users shouldn't be silenced when they're threads don't go against Code of Conduct. More clubs should be created, and we shouldn't be stepping on eggshells to avoid hurting people's feelings. People get offended, that's just the truth

Do you think ambassadors do a good job of communicating with users?

Ah, I fear this question. Yes and No at the same time, I understand they can't solve EVERY issue, but at they ignore other issues by referring us elsewhere. I sound like I'm a hater right now, but I don't hate anyone. Most users are just tired of being silenced, but not everyone faces that issue. It's a love and hate sort of thing, 50/50. It's not terrible, but it isn't great as it used to be either.

Have you ever used the support section on Wattpad or sent in a suggestion?

Both, Nothing ever happened though.

What do you think of fanfiction?

I read it, I write it. I have nothing against it, AS LONG as it keeps within it's own lines. When it starts getting out of control and becoming a landfill of the same generic plots, that's when I get annoyed.

Have you experienced any technical issues on the site and, if so, what?

Technical Issues? Not really, I don't think.

What clubs are you a member of?

I think fanfiction and something else, I'm not sure, I'm just in certain threads more than club like threads if that makes sense.

Why do you enjoy those clubs?

Not exactly sure, lol. Probably because no matter what you're going to find someone that you like who has common interests.

What would be your favourite work by another user on Wattpad?

Without a doubt, My Wattpad Love by coldlady_19. It's great, and I haven't found something I love quite as much as I love it.

What do you like about it?

I'm not even sure at this point. I love the writing and the originality of the story. It's random at some points, but she writes it correctly in a way that's laughable. I fell in love with the characters most of all.

What work that you have created yourself are you most proud of and why?

There's one I'm working on now called 'The Great Escape' that I have to get out xD I'm very proud of it because it looks at the different side of domestic abuse in stories when so often it's focused on an abused female. it's about Tate, a male. I'm very excited about it, I've put a lot of emotion and hard work into it.

Do you most often read or write on Wattpad?

Neither, I'm mainly speaking to some friends I met on here. Other than that, its mainly writing. I haven't found a book I loved as much as MWL.

How often do you generally go on Wattpad?

More recently now that I’ve gotten my original account back.

What genres of writing are your favourite?

Fantasy mainly.

What qualities in a story are valuable to you?

Realism, good characters, and good dialogue.

What things do you think Wattpad could do to improve?

Well, when it comes to improvements one might be starting to respond to suggestions and valid points users raise instead of dismissing them. Granted, they can't get to all of them but it would be nice to actually believe your words are being read and not just thrown into a pile. Group messaging would be fun too!

Rate your level of enjoyment on Wattpad from 1-10. One being terrible and ten being the most amazing site that you have been on.

8. I may voice my irritation over some problems, but I still love the website, not the best ever, but definitely one of my favorites.

That's it, everyone. Please state your opinions in the comments. Do you agree? Disagree? Don't be rude though. I didn't sign up to break up fights. Make sure to check out @PlainLo's story "The Great Escape" and "My Wattpad Love" by @coldlady_19 in your free time. Also, if you want to support her on her new account go check it out!

        Thanks for reading. Remember, it's never too late to participate in an interview. Just pm me or let me know through comments. 

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