• Chapter 37 || 3am advice •

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After science, nothing much happened after the rest of the the day. I got weird looks from the football, lacrosse, and cheer team, which I tried to completely ignored because I wasn't bothered to put up any conversation about Hayes.

Everyone else looked pretty shocked. Had no one ever stood up against Hayes before? Like seriously? It wasn't that hard, but all the rumours I heard when I first came here made it seem like it was the most difficult thing ever.

So after lunch passed, we had math, where we sat next to each other again, as it was the only spare space. I rested my head on my palm, turning away, but trying to hold in the pain. He may have saved my head, but that didn't stop any pain in my cheek. I felt as if it was still burning with fire. I quickly took out my phone, so that the teacher wouldn't be able to see, and checked the side of my face, which was beginning to turn a kind of dark purple- blue colour, but it was really visible. Yet. I could see Hayes glance a few times at me, but he never looked directly at me. Most likely because I was ignoring him, but I did have a good reason to.

As always, it was the end of the school day, and I just trailed after Hayes to his house. I didn't want him to see my face, as now it had gone complete purple (It was quite a big slap), so I grabbed a spare hoodie from my bag, and put it over my head. Once we got inside, I practically ran upstairs.
'Hey!' His voice stopped me while I was half way up the stairs, but I didn't turn.
'I-I need to do something.'
'Fine.' He grunted.
'Um, sorry for slapping you, by the way.' His voice got quieter, and I could imagine him looking down at the ground like he does when he's sympathetic.
'Um, it's okay. I'll see you at dinner, probably.' I quickly scurried up to my room where I applied as much makeup as I could. Concealer, foundation, powder, everything. I only put these on occasionally, but I couldn't let Liz or anyone see me like this.

It didn't work.

A side of my face was either a lot darker or lighter (I couldn't tell), and it was a whole different colour to my natural skin tone. I rubbed off all the makeup, and covered as much as I could, just to make it look as 'normal' as I could. I tried to make it to perfection, but when I was doing the last touches, my door opened.

'Y/N, it's time for din-What the hell are you doing, you didn't tell me you were going out?'
'I'm not.' I replied, while piling up my makeup back in the bag.

'What's the need for this then?' Without permission, he marched in and held up all my face products.

'Nothing, just wanted to.' I put on my hood again for extra coverage, then went over to put my school things away.

'Why the hoodie?'

'It's-uh-a new style.' Stupid.

When I turned around, we were face to face, him gripping on to both of my wrists, as always when he wanted me to 'listen.' or whatever. He looked into my eyes, then noticed the powder falling off, revealing a different colour.

'What the-' He went to the bathroom and grabbed a wipe (while still holding my wrists) and took of the powder. He was in utter shock.

'Wha- why didn't you tell me? Who did this to you?'

'It's not a big deal.'

'Who did it?'

'Hayes.' I looked away from him, and he was still confused, but he realised soon enough. His mouth dropped open, and he just stared at me.

'I can't-I didn't know it would make this.' He dropped my wrists and ran his hands through his hair in stress.

'Hayes, I'm fine.'

'No, no you're- I-' and with that he walked away.


after dinner

I laid down on my bed (again, again... I lost count) and clutched my head. The world to me was a complete mess. It was really late at night, I didn't even know the time, but I still couldn't sleep, everyone else was obviously fast asleep, I could hear harmonising snores coming from different rooms. And then there was me, perched at the end of the bed, my knees curled to my chest, and my hands gripping the sides of my head. I felt like I was sucked into a spinning vortex, lost and abandoned. I was so close to forgiving Hayes, yet something inside me said 'no'. He slapped me, yes but after all those times, I feel like I have to forgive him. I tossed and turned in my bed, but nothing worked. I couldn't get to sleep. I was tired, but something was keeping me up, so there I was, just sitting there on the corner, waiting for night to pass.

A little later, I began to get even more tired that my eyes were about to shut close. I tucked into the duvet, and laid on my pillow. My eyes shut almost immediate, but that was if it wasn't stopped by a phone call. I slapped my hand on my desk, and searched for my phone with feel. Eventually, I picked up the vibrating object and held it to my ear.

'Y/N! Hey it's me, Dil!'

Dilpreet, Dil for short, was one of my closet friends back home. She couldn't go on the trip, but I made contact with her almost everyday.

'Hey Dil!' I tried to sound as lively as I could but my voice was failing me.

'Sounding a bit raspy there, Y/N?'

'Yeah, because it's like 3am.' I laughed.

'Damn. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up!'

'Nah, it's fine, I'm in a middle of a crisis anyway.'

'Tell me, sister.'

Dil was an amazing listener, and she was always so caring when you told her anything.
'Well, I have, or had a boyfriend, and he did something that really hurt me. I don't know whether I should forgive him or not. Like he still shows care, but I'm not sure if I would be able to forgive him that easily after what he did. What do you think I should do?'

After a few moments of pause (probably her thinking time) she soon replied.

'Well, it depends how bad he hurt you.'

'Basically, kinda cheated on me. Not like a proper cheat, but kissed someone else.'

'Oh, wow. I can see why you're in a crisis.'

'Tell me about it.'

'Well, in my opinion, I think you should follow what your heart is saying. Like yeah, he might have kissed someone else, but maybe there could be a reason. Have you talked to him about what actually happened?'

'Kinda. I heard the story from someone else.'

'I think you should hear it from him as well. And yeah, follow your heart. I know it sounds cheesy, but the heart is the best guider. Think: would making up make you happy? Would it make your life better, and his? And of course, there's always consequences, but choose the ones which you'll know you can deal with, or resolve. It's better to resolve it now than never, because you'll probably be living with this for the rest of your life, and trust me, you don't want that stress. There's that, or just give it time. It will come naturally, don't try and make it be better, and don't block it either, it will probably come out worse. Taking times always best, but it all depends on you.'

I took in every single word of that. Dil always has the best advice.

'Thanks Dil for your advice, as always.'

'Your welcome, and tell me if things got better or worse after, okay? Now get some sleep, you must be tired! And I'll be seeing you next week, so tell me EVERYTHING!'

'Alright, alright!' I chuckled a bit. 'I'll see you soon Dil. Love you millions and thanks again. You're the best!'

'Love you too, and I know, haha! See you soon, sweetie!'.

We ended our call, and I laid down again, with better thoughts, thanks to Dil.



this chapter is dedicated to DilS519❤️
ily so much hun, thanks for being a great listener and actually liking to talk to me and an amazing internet bestie :)))) <3

short a/n but tanks for everything as always, love you all millions, keeping voting and commenting, and I'll see y'all on the next updateeee ❤️❤️❤️

qotd: fav bands?
aotd: green day, blink, 5sos, and loads more all are on my description ♡

~hayesbaess02 xxx

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