• Chapter 14 || Loves me, loves me not •

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***Skip time to next Friday***

So it's Friday now, lasted my 3rd week at school, yay! Over the past time I've stayed at Hayes' it's not been that bad. I had a good time with him, he's taught me more about penny boarding, and I've started playing the xbox as well. I think I've bonded more than I should have had. Anyways, today I was going to meet my friends, I haven't spent much time with them, and today we were going to Leah's house. I didn't tell Hayes who I was meeting, I just told him I would be back at 4. He just nodded and I went. Kath was obviously already there, and I was the second to last person to get there, as Avril got there last. We all greeted each, asking how we've been and stuff like that. We never really get the chance to talk, as we're always in different places at school, and meet up like 3 times a week at lunch. We then all sat in a circle, and started gossiping.

'How's your stays guys?'

'Amazing!' Kath imputed. 'Me and Leah have done like a ton of stuff. She's showed me around!

'I love staying with Casey!' Elena said out loud. 'She's taking me to a concert next week!'

'That must be fun!' I said, 'So, Avril, how's your stay with Luke? I gave her a little jokey smirk, and she blushed bright red. They must be getting somewhere.

'Luke's...really nice. He takes me to places and stuff, the ush.'

'You're blushing! Oh my God. Do you like him?'

Avril gave time to think, then comes up with an answer.

'Yeah. Maybe.' She blushed even more red, and giggled.

'Okay guys, enough. You're making Avril embarrassed.' Casey said with a chuckle. 'I think we all know what the juice is about most.'

They all looked at me.

'Guys, are you joking?'

'No, we've all said all the "interesting" things happening in our lives. Now spill yours.'

I didn't want to say anything, not because I'm scared, but just because I technically don't want to. But I give in anyways.

'Fine. All we've done is watch a movie, and he taught me penny boarding. That's pretty much it.'

'So nothing strange has gone on?'

'Well, there has been one thing. Hayes acted really weird when I saw my old crush, Jakob.'

'Oh my gosh, I remember Jakob!' Avril practically shouts. 'How's he looking now?'

'Trust me gal, he's looking finnnne.' I said, making the weird perfect sign with my fingers(👌) and they all laugh.

'But seriously, what do you mean "strange"?' Jade asked, intrigued.

'He started acting like, overprotective. Like he didn't want me talking to him. I don't know why.'

The girls then looked at each other, raising their eyebrows, and making weird smiley/shocked faces with each other, making me filled with confusion.

'What now? What are you all thinking?'

'They then all turned their heads to me, like a bunch of robots.

'He likes you!'


'Guys, that can't be true. You know that.'

'I know that it's definitely real!' Casey implied.

'Yeah, no boy's over protective like that if he doesn't like you.'

'Maybe he just didn't want me to get hurt?'

'Yeah, sure. Oh, I'll go protect this girl JUST so she doesn't get hurt.'

'Whatever. I think you should still be aware of this.'
Elena joined in, and she's sitting there, crossing her arms and legs, and all except me question her.

'Well, I mean, loads of boys do this. They lead you in, then just keep you in the gutter. I mean, he could just be using you. I'm not trying to be a bad friend, I'm just saying, you guys haven't considered all facts yet.'

I gestured my arm at Elena.

'Exactly guys, see? It might not just be that. And checking the time I need to go. Hayes wants me to be back by 4. We're going to his brothers house tomorrow.'

'Ooh, lover boy wants you back.' Leah smirks.

'Shut up, Lee.'

I laugh out, then exchange goodbyes to everyone, before I walk back.
I can't help but think about what we just talked about. But then Elena's input. I feel like I want to dislike him, but I just can't. I arrived home at 4:16, and before I could open the door, Hayes was standing, holding the door open. I couldn't tell his expression, but I'm sure it wasn't a good one.

'Where have you been?!' He said sternly.

'I was just at Casey's house, I walked slow. Jesus, Hayes, calm down!'

'You were meant to be back at 4! It's now 4:16!'

'I was only 16 minutes late!'
I said as I pushed past his shoulder. I was about to walk up when he grabbed my wrist and spun me around. He looked at me, and his eyes were suddenly darker.

'Listen, I'm sorry. I just got kinda worried, because you could have gotten hit, or like gone somewhere with that Jakob...'

'When did Jakob ever get into this?' I started to raise my voice.

'I never said Jakob.'

'Yes, you did you liar!'

'Shut up I didn't!'


He pushed me towards the stairs.

'Shut up when I tell you to. Now go upstairs, and do whatever you need to do. Like pack up,we're gonna be gone for the weekend.





He shouted. Then everything paused in time. Everything was frozen, even our expressions. He said he cared. I finally got the courage to walk upstairs to pack my things, and when I looked back, I saw a curled up Hayes, putting his head in his hands.
I just ignored it and walked upstairs, I had to pack. But it was my first argument with Hayes. Did he really like me? But he said himself. He just cared. Nothing more, nothing less.
Nawww overprotective hayes is just alskjdiekd💘💘

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