•Chapter 43 || Let's go pt 3•

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I kept on stumbling and tripping over broken rocks, far behind on how fast Hayes was. I was utterly and completely worn out. He was still going though, far. It was like we were running in a vast majority of the unknown, except it wasn't like that. He was trying to make it fun. I can't blame him for trying, but I thought it was a little too much?

'Hayes!' I yelled to the shadowy figure who was 20 metres away from me.

'What?' He panted, stopping then walking towards me.

'Okay, this is cute, and I appreciate everything, but I really want to go home now.'

'No, come on! Please?' He begged, 'I swear, just one more place!'


'Please, please, please!' He extended out his hand for me to take it.

'Fine.' I grunted, and he gave a sweet smile, then dragged me on.

It was moments after when we arrived at our distant destination, but somehow, it looked familiar. I looked around, staring at the wooden fence in front of us, then looked around at the place. I knew where we were, I just couldn't recall the name. It was most likely because my brain was about to die out like a phone battery, but I still kept rethinking and rethinking.

'Wait; isn't this-'

'My house? Yeah.'

'So you're saying we had to travel through that weird tree place thing, just to get to your house?'

'Just a mini adventure.' He winked. 'Do you remember when you got lost here?'

'Yeah, yeah, and you brought me inside and basically interrogated me, I remember.'

He stuck his tongue out at me, then we both laughed, before he decided to go on and finish our 'adventure'.


'Guess where we're going now?'

'To bed, because I am tired.'

'Wrong. We're going back up to the old tree house.'

Climbing up the ragged steps of the ladder, I looked back on all the memories I had made here. This was meant to be some research trip for us, but it turned into something more.

Hayes helped me get up onto the base of the treehouse, and I looked around at the wooden contraption, collecting all memories from the past.

'I told you that you were the first person I brought up here, right?'

'Yeah, yeah you did.' I smiled back.

We stepped through another door where the little foosball table we first played on was set.

'Ah, the foosball table. The one where I beat you!'

'You little prick, I beat you!'

'I would have remembered that!'

He teased, then looked over the the plump beanbags, looking like they were left untouched.

'We sat in those very spots together, didn't we?' I nodded in return, but it was a bit weird for him to randomly say that, I mean loads of people sit together right?

'I really wanted to kiss you so badly then.'

My eyes widened at him, and he clasped his hands over his mouth, indicating he was not supposed to say that.

'Shit, I said that out loud, didn't I?'

I chuckled a yes, but he groaned in frustration, covering his hands over his face.

'Hey, it's okay!' I inquired. 'I really wanted to kiss you too.'

'If only that stupid phone didn't ring.' He said in an annoyed manner.

'Yeah, if only.' I grinned, while running my hands through his hair.

'You know, I specifically wanted to come up here for one reason.'

'And what's that?'

'Because, this is the the place where we actually connected.'

'Oh yeah, it really is where I met you, isn't it?'

'If I never saw you, where would we be right now?'

'To me, you'd probably be a random, mysterious stranger in my classes.'

'And to me, you'd be a girl I would be dying to meet, but never had the courage to speak to.'

'Wow, a bit weird, coming from the one and only Hayes Grier, with the biggest reputation in the school.'

'I'm not as confident as you think.'

A slight pause hovered in the air, then Hayes finally spoke up.

'Do you want to do something?'


'Well, I- I never got to kiss you, did I?'

'I would have remembered.'

'So, um, I was thinking- well I remembered our little encounter up here, and didn't it go something like this?' He questioned, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him, just as if we were recreating the moment again.

'And then it went like this.' I leaned towards him, making our noses touch.

'And I did something like this.'

He quickly cut off my breathing pattern, and sealed my mouth with a kiss. I kissed back as soon as his lips touched my mouth, and I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

I'm guessing this was what was supposed to happen before.


We played a quick game of foosball after, in which I won. We then decided we were both tired, and climbed back down the stairs.

I carried my strength in my feet, enabling myself to reach my room in time before I would have completely passed out, before, for the last time, Hayes grabbed my arm.

'Hold on! I forgot something!'

'If it includes going to a place, my feet are literally going to snap of-'

'No, no!' He chuckled, 'I'm tired too, it took ages planning everything out you know?'

'I understand that!' I replied (anyone else read this in a Matt Espinosa voice no okay never mind)

'Okay, I wanted to give this.' He held out a ribboned box, and I opened it, revealing a little silver ring with a H on it.

'I'm sorry, it's not much.'

'Hayes! Oh my gosh, it's beautiful. No one has ever done this for me.'

'And look, I have a matching keychain.' He pulled out a keychain with a Y/F/L (first letter of your name) on it.

'Thank you, Hayes.'

'It's a promise ring. Promise me, you'll never forget me.'

He held out his pinky finger, for me to agree on.

'I promise.'



Last part of 'let's go' I swear I'm sorry

I'm sorry it's late, but I'm on break rn, so the next time I'll update won't be Friday, it will be Wednesday!! I'm hoping to write the second to last chapter tomorrow for me to update on Wednesday, then last chapter on Friday, and hoping to start the sequel on Monday!!!!!

I have a whole thank you speech thingy planned out but I'll put that in the last chapter of this book :) but as always thankyall for all you have done , keep commenting, voting, reading, all that jazz, and I'll see you around on the next update ❤️❤️❤️

Qotd: favourite season?

~hayesbaess02 xxx

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