Introduction - Meet Yourself

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Author's Note: This takes place in season one. This is the chapter where you meet your snarky, sarcastic, witty, pain-in-the-ass self. This is an AU where you have special powers, you and Shawn are both hyper-intelligent and have eidetic memories, and Lassie is your best friend/honorary brother and isn't annoyed by you. Shawn will be 27, and Gus will be 28. Leave a comment if you are confused about something. P.S. there are no-no words. Everything that isn't bold is you. There will be smut chapters, but those do not affect the overall story. Don't read if you aren't comfortable.

Hi, I'm Y/N. I am a 26-year-old with . . . special abilities. Not supernatural, but not normal by any stretch of the imagination. 

I've had these powers since I was a child. Suffice to say, the abilities I possessed made me the freaky girl in the class. Since I was little, I've been able to tell you everything about a person. No tidbit of information was private. All I have to do is touch them, even if it's for only a second. My other powers will be in the paragraph below. Don't worry, intrepid reader, I simplify it.

My abilities have been categorized as ESP, also known as extrasensory perception. This includes telepathy, while well known it's nothing like in the movies, precognition, a future viewing phenomenon, clairvoyance, which is a general view of psychometry, the ability to read objects, and psychoscopy, the ability to make relevant associations on an object with an unknown history, rolled into one, and psychokinesis, commonly known as telekinesis.

To help make sense of that nonsensical jumble of words:

Telepathy - This is commonly known as the ability to "read minds." In reality, it is more complicated than that. I can read people's emotions, but not thoughts. I can also share my emotions with others, but again, not thoughts. This is a common misconception. I blame pop culture. The only semi-cool thing about this is I can mess with people's emotions. It's fun to watch couples fight over something as stupid as a misplaced fork. True story.

Precognition - An ability to see the future. In reality, not as cool as it sounds. It's not a clear vision. It's like watching an old television where everything is blurry, dull, and messy. I see things through other people's eyes, and it takes time to adjust. My visions rarely last long enough for me to get used to them.

Clairvoyance - The ability to obtain information about people, objects, events, and locations. Again, not that cool. The last thing I want to know is about some grandma's irritable bowel or the fact that she's banged an 80-year-old sailor.

Psychokinesis - Think of everything you've seen about telekinesis. Now, throw it all away. I don't put my hand to my temple as I concentrate, objects don't fly with ease, and it's fucking hard.

To simplify further:
Telepathy - I know what you feel. You don't want to know what's happening in my head. I make Wade Wilson look like a normally functioning member of society.
Precognition - I see the future like I'm on crack.
Clairvoyance - I know your secrets (insert evil laugh here).
Psychokinesis- I can make things move like two inches. It's a fucking letdown. 

Now, my psychotic side may show a little bit. Try to ignore that. 

I may monologue for a while. That is important, so read that. It will give you a view of my (mostly) normal side.

Another important note: I have no control over my powers. None. Zip, Nada, Zilch, Zero.

Without further adieu, onto the first episode.

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