Ghostbur (Unfinished buisness)

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Just wanna say, if you zoom in on the fanart above there is so much detail. It's amazing. It's not mine, I just wanted to use it because it's one of my favourite ghostbur fanart things I've seen :]]

I was planning on writing this anyway, but this was requested by Crazycherry_ishere29 as well! So thank you very much!

Just as a little fact thing ig, the oneshots/scenarios I do won't all be set in the timeline that's happening right now. For example, this oneshot is set back when tubbo was still president and Tommy wasn't exiled. Just so everyone knows :]]]]]

This is ghostburrrr. So yayyyy.

Warnings- death, stalking, ghosts, paranormal shit?, threats, depressing thoughts, grief, swearing

It was hard for everyone, but mainly you when Wilbur died. You both were together before hand, and it broke you apart. Yes, Wilbur wasn't the same anymore. He was insane. He blew up l'manburg. But you'd of given up l'manburg long ago to keep him with you. You loved him, even at his worst. And he loved you. An unhealthy passion formed after a while of being together.

You thought of it as just him being protective, not realising how deep this would turn out. Ghosts appear when someone had an unfinished job right? Yep, that's why ghostbur was here. People speculated what his business was, since he never cared to explain. Merely just changing the topic with a bright smile. Some people thought it was l'manburg, others thought it was Tommy beating dream. The real reason was you. He had to keep you safe. Yes he cared for Tommy, which is why he also hung around with him as a ghost. But you were his top priority in life, and in death. Romantic, no?

Well it was quite hard having this new version of Wilbur. You cherished ghostbur a lot, you'd trust him with your life. You both were inseparable. But it was always a reminder that Wilbur left. He left you. On purpose. You and Fundy became closer, you being the only mother figure he ever had. You spoke about how Wilbur leaving was almost unbearable for you both. And how ghostbur couldn't bare to talk about it, which made it harder to grieve since he was always around.

If you ever had even a moment of sadness wash over your facial expressions, you'd just be interrogated, and give endless supplies of blue. It was sweet that he cared so much, but it was overwhelming at times. For example, you sometimes thought you were alone. Like you would be talking to tubbo about things to do with new l'manburg thinking it was simply the two of you. But a friendly ghost boy would be hiding around the corner, sometimes accompanied by a sheep friend. You didn't know this of course, but ghostbur was always with you.

He was clueless to how weird that was, thinking it was normal to want to keep your s/o safe and happy. But he still knew he had to keep a distance and not let you find out. He knew you'd be upset if you found out, and he couldn't risk that now could he.

He never minded you spending time with others, knowing it kept you distracted from the harsh truth that was so close to being spoken about. He never minded that others could touch you and he could not, knowing their actions were simply ones of friends or family. He never minded that you would always where aliveburs beanie on your head, he found it quite adorable.

He was quite calm when it came to you. But he still was kind of confused. He took things the wrong way sometimes. Like the time that you and eret were speaking about the museum that was being constructed. 'With Wilbur, Tommy, tubbo fuck eret.' The song said eret was a bad person, a person who should not be trusted. A traitor to you all. So why did you talk to them? It made no sense to ghostbur.

You remember you were laughing, and discussing the specifics of the drug van replica, when ghostbur floated over, a look of confusion plastered over his face. "Hi ghostbur!" You said with a smile, catching Eret's attention. "Hey dude." Eret smiled, turning around fully. "Hello y/n! I have a question." Ghostbur said, floating besides you and just staring at you. "Sure, what's up bud?" You asked, leaning against the pillar of the museum.

"Well. The song I wrote. It says. Wilbur, Tommy, tubbo, fuck eret. But your friends with eret. And I'm confused." Ghostbur bluntly stated, not noticing how Eret awkwardly shifted. "Well...that was in the past. People sometimes do bad things, and some things can be forgiven. Eret's a close friend of mine and I've looked past what happened before." You explained, smiling softly at the oblivious ghost. "Oh. Okay! Well, a friend of y/n is a friend of mine! I'm ghostbur!" Ghostbur introduced himself to Eret, floating extremely close to you. "Hey ghostbur, it's nice to officially meet you dude." Eret smiled, readjusting his cape.

"You too!" Ghostbur beamed, noticing how you seemed content with the conversation so far. He always checked the way you acted to see how you were feeling. But one thing you said stayed in ghostbur's mind for a long time. ''I've looked past what happened before.' Does that mean you'd do that for anyone? If ghostbur did do something that wasn't very good. Would you forgive him? You said sometimes. So he wasn't sure. Which made him still cautious. But the thought was always there ever since.

Ghostbur often tried to build a relationship with Fundy, knowing he cared for Fundy deeply, and that you also cared for Fundy an immense amount. It didn't go to plan. But he kept trying. You tried explaining to him why Fundy was hesitant to grow a relationship with him, but ghostbur didn't get it. He didn't get that it was hard for you to see the slash that laid on his sweater. He didn't get that it was hard for you to see his grey, almost transparent skin. He didn't get that it was hard for you at all. He thought it was all fine.

Of course ghostbur couldn't kill anyone, which made him frustrated when people hurt you. But you were some what relived that he couldn't touch people. You knew that although ghostbur was all the happy memories, he still could get angry or upset. It calmed you to know he was just there, not causing anymore pain to anyone.

Of course it pained Wilbur to be trapped in the void for all this time, without you. He often wondered if you were going to join him soon, but he never felt a space for you grow. Not that he necessarily wanted you dead. He just missed you. And he thought schlatt was getting sick of him talking about you constantly. It was just those two at the time.

Wilbur would often sing about you, and Schlatt would just start complaining about how annoying he was. But schlatt still listened I guess. It was all he could do. But Wilbur so desperately wanted to hold you. He had the knowledge that ghostbur at least was watching over you. But it wasn't enough. He constantly craved your affection and it became painful at times. But he couldn't change what was happening. He was dead, he asked for this. He didn't think of the consequences at the time.

But ghostbur just followed you, trying to make sure you were happy. You were on the outside, truly you were. But on the inside, you were tearing apart. Though you did enjoy seeing your friends, and meeting your new ones, such as ranboo. You did also wish to be with Wilbur. You never knew what to do.

You were ghostburs unfinished business. And he was enough company for now.

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