Badboyhalo (Lost)

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This was requested by -S1MPP so thanks !!

Bbh been acting kinda sus lately,,,

lol anyways-

Here we go!

For this request I didn't get a plot, therefore I've made one up! Using a prompt people voted on for bad!

I've decided that if I don't have an idea myself for a request that's like 'bad x reader' I will just use a prompt quote that people voted for, cause it'll help me out with writers block :)

(For the prompts obviously everyone has different opinions, so if your person for a certain quote didn't get picked I'm sorry, there was lots of feedback from people so I just went with it <3)

Warnings- the egg, kidnapping, forced affection, voices, nightmares, inner conflict, kind of panic attacks

This ones more fluff until the end.

Prompt- "The world doesn't deserve an angel like you" but with a twist >:] because in the original request it said just do something with the egg. So I added the egg.


It had been a long time since you'd seen the outside. You mainly only saw black and red, sometimes a splash of white. You missed your friends, and your heart ached when you thought about it for even a second. You'd give anything to be set free.

But you felt so secure in this moment it was hard to concentrate on hatred.

Of course just because you both shared sweet moments together didn't mean you'd ever forgive him just like that. But it was a nice feeling, being told you meant something to someone. It wasn't often that you'd let bad hold you like this without complaining, but you were tired and you really needed some type of comfort.

Bad was overjoyed right now. This was the best thing that could ever happen to him. It had been 5 months and 7 days since bad had taken you away from everyone and he always favoured moments like this.

He was laying on his back, you placed on top of him so he could hold you tight, your hand rested on his chest, though your fist was gently clenched up. Bad's tail was moving in the air, and your eyes were following it whilst you listened to him talk.

"The world doesn't deserve an angel like you." Bad stated, the smile on his face never ceasing to leave. Your heart beat moved slightly faster, which bad felt due to how close you both were. His smile grew and he gave you a small squeeze.

You yawned and your body became less tense as you decided you wanted some sleep. Bad looked down and noticed how you were trying to stay awake still. His tail moved over and stroked from your forehead down to the tip of your nose. You blinked a few times but didn't move, enjoying the sensation. Bad repeated the movement, and watched your eyes start to slowly shut. "Go to sleep n/n, I'll be here when you wake up!" Bad smiled, watching you get taken into your dreams.

His tail kept up with the motion til he was sure you were asleep. Letting his tail fall to the bed and rest he took a deep breath and sighed. He shut his own eyes and decided to get some rest himself. This was nice.


Bad woke up to the sound of heavy breathing and small whimpers. He felt arms clutching onto him, seemingly for comfort. Bad looked down and saw your wide eyes that held tears in them. There was a small red tinge in the back, hardly noticeable. It kept disappearing, then reappearing, as if something was fighting to keep it in and out.

Bad sat up, keeping you in his arms. The sudden movement shocked you, and you held on tighter. Bad changed your positions, so you were sat- propped up against the pillows while he sat in front of you, one hand holding your own, the other placed on your cheek.

"Honey, what's wrong? Talk to me muffin." Bad mumbled, keeping his voice quiet so you wouldn't be startled more. He was trying to stay calm for you, but he really wanted to cry with you, simply because you were crying.

You shook your head, bad's hand staying on your face somehow through the whole thing. You squeezed your eyes shut and lifted one knee up to your chest, your free hand grasping onto it. "Sweetheart please..I can't help you if you don't let me." Bad insisted, having a gut feeling of what was happening.

Your eyes opened slightly and the redness in the back was a slight bit more prominent than before. Bad came to the realisation of what was happening and for a split second he wished it wasn't. You see, your bedroom was located right besides a farm of vines. In the middle was a chunk of the egg bad had put so maybe it would infect you if you stayed near it long enough. It seemed to be finally working.

Bad gave you a soft smile and looked at you, sympathy running through his facial features. He remembered how it felt at first, so he knew the inner conflict that was eating away at you. Maybe, just maybe, he could convince you to let it in. Just a little bit.

Bad originally thought you were immune, but the egg had told him a different story. The egg said it would never be able to take full control of you, for whatever reason it did not understand. But it could cloud you slightly. Make you dazed when deciding on certain things, more obedient in a way. This would be great for bad.

He wouldn't lose you to the point of your mind being completely gone, but he'd have more control. He'd be able to protect you more. He'd be able to be less paranoid for once.

"It's okay. Your eyes look even more beautiful now." Bad whispered, his thumb and tail wiping away the tears that pained him to see. "I-I don't want I-it.." you sobbed out, your voice small as if it was being restricted by something. It was.

"I promise you, we only want what's best. In time you'll accept it, just like I did. Just let it in, don't fight it anymore." Bad comforted you, his words so soft they were like clouds. Your senses were becoming overwhelmed due to the inner battle you were having. You felt yourself becoming more and more dizzy with each passing second.

Your lungs felt like vines were wrapping around them and your eyesight was coated with a small red colour. It was hardly noticeable to you, or to anyone else, but it was there. Your body felt frozen, like you couldn't move without someone else pulling the strings. It was working.

Bad placed his forehead onto yours and you sobbed. You felt a small peck on your lips and you looked up. "Bad please...I don't want to l-lose myself.." You whispered out, leaning your head against his. Bad pulled you forward and put you in a tight embrace, his tail going to your forehead, and then down to the tip of your nose once again.

Your breathing was slightly slower and your body felt weaker. Sleep seemed to be consuming you and you felt drowsy. Your eyes began to shut once again but you fought back. Bad drew circles on your back with one hand, the other on your shoulder holding you close.

"Don't worry darling. We're both lost."

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