Quackity (Sculpture)

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Hello people of the inter-web.

Charlie slimecicle is one of my favourite dream smp characters now. Like please. Sir. He's perfect. Therefore. HES BEING ADDED! You heard it right folks. WELCOME CHARLIE SLIMECICLE TO THE DREAM SMP LORE, AND TO THE FANFICTION! You can request anything for him :] just like everyone else but I feel most confident writing about his character just like with everyone else. Of course we only know a small amount about him so my writing will progress with his character as time goes on. But I just can't stop thinking about it. So here it is!

In this, your exactly like Charlie. (QUACKITY LORE SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!)
Your a slime that morphed into a human overtime. Your as clueless as Charlie, if not more and that's your role in this chapter! Your a slime person <3

You take Charlie's place in this. You should feel honoured to become slimecicle for a while lol.

This does not follow the quotes from the stream it's just inspired by them and some are very similar, so yeah.

Also can we just appreciate quackity's lore streams?? He's popping off harder than ever y'all.

Anyways. Onto the chapter!

Warnings- spoilers for quackity lore! Swearing, manipulation, deceit, threatening violence

Honestly this is more fluffy if you ignore the dark undertone of the situation.


The first moment he saw you he wanted you dead. You were living in his fucking walls, and you'd been spying on him and his work for an amount of time he could only guess. Your voice sent his cheeks bright crimson but the cover over his mouth stopped even the gods from seeing it, but they could sense it.

The second time he saw you, he fell into a feeling he thought he'd lost. He looked at you and he felt complete for a single second before he remembered the situation at hand. He tried forcing the feeling down straight away, he was going to make many enemies and he'd already made many. He couldn't have a vulnerability. He could fight of the feelings for Karl and sapnap, pushing them deep down into the depths of his fractured soul, but he couldn't push the ones you from you down.

Once you'd been trapped in a hole, he stared at you for an uncomfortably long time, though you didn't mind. You looked back and had the time to recognise him as quackity from Las Nevadas. You'd been living in his walls for a while, and you'd grown very interest in him and his ways of living.

Quackity first thought if he killed you straight away the feeling would leave, then he thought about the feeling that he was trying to get rid of. It was a feeling he deeply longed for, but told himself he didn't. It was a feeling that two others once gave him, but this felt different. This felt right.

Most people would be desperately pleading for their life, or fighting back to their last breath. But you just stared in wonder, like a child would. You were innocent, untainted and pure. He admired that because he knew no one else around here could be like that anymore. He knew he couldn't be like that anymore.

He'd taken great care in remembering every detail about your responses, you were utterly clueless. You knew nothing of the world. You didn't know right from wrong, you didn't know left from right. You just knew..you.

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